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If anyone on the list has managed to successfully link up GPSOut with a mapping program (eg Autoroute) across a wireless network, using Mix-W serial port bridge, I would very much like to see the relevant 'Snippets' from your config files. (especially how you set up the Mix-W ports).

BTW my client computer has no 'actual' serial ports. (i.e. laptop)

Many thanks, in advance.


ps I am using registered versions of FSUIPC and WideFs


If anyone on the list has managed to successfully link up GPSOut with a mapping program (eg Autoroute) across a wireless network, using Mix-W serial port bridge

The wireless network has absolutely nothing to do with the MixW virtual serial port solution I provided.

Just get WideFS working okay on your Network first. It is totally irrelevant whether it is wireless, wired, parallel, serial, Ethernet or firewire. The network is a network. That's all, WideFS doesn't know how the signals travel and doesn't need to know.

MixW is only used to create and link two "virtual" COM ports on the client. Just install it, find out what ports it is assigning (in the System hardware manager list) and tell WideClient one of them and your map program the other.

I don't recall there being any way to "control" what MixW actually does, but maybe you can. I simply installed it and used the virtual ports it created. There's nothing else to it. Look in the Control Panel (Settings) -- System -- Hardware -- Device Manager -- Ports (COM & LPT).





Thanks for the reply.

WideFs is working ok across the network, so no problem there.

To be more specefic.

1. I have set GPSOut .ini file to include the following:

Port=WideFs (as per the manual)

2. When I install Mixw it offers a multiple choice of 'paired' Com ports in XP hardware (Q. which ones do I choose?)

3. In the WideFS Client .ini file [GPSOut] section, which com port do I put in here?

4. When I run the map program it has the facility to automatically search the com ports for a GPS, but is not finding any.

I have used GPSOut with Autoroute using a wired null modem cable, in the past, so the basic settings should be ok.

Thanks again


2. When I install Mixw it offers a multiple choice of 'paired' Com ports in XP hardware (Q. which ones do I choose?)

Does it? Sorry, I didn't remember that. If there's a choice, choose any you like. Providing you have two linked COM ports it doesn't matter what they are.

3. In the WideFS Client .ini file [GPSOut] section, which com port do I put in here?

Either one of the two. It matters little which .. . what is the difference?

4. When I run the map program it has the facility to automatically search the com ports for a GPS, but is not finding any.

How does it recognise a GPS? Is FS and WideClient running, with one of the COM ports assigned at the time? If it isn't running how can you expect it to find one? If you can select the port instead, just select the other one -- ie. the one you didn't give to WideClient.

Think of the two ports as if they are on each end of a null modem cable, linking Wideclient to your map program.

I think you seem to be thinking this is complicated, when in fact it is too simple.




Thanks, sorted.

Needless to say, previously I had everything running, including a working WideFS link.

I set up Mix-w 'paired' ports to Com3 and Com4.

Assigned Com3 in WideFS client .INI and this time Autoroute seemed to find Com4, so all is well.

Thanks again


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