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How to set QNH by FSUIPC

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Hi Pete, hi all,

this is my idea:

I have the Mjoy16 USB device with apx. 30 pushbuttons and switches to control various options in FS via FSUIPC. Its working pretty good. There are also 4 rotary switches (encoders), still used for HDG, ALT and CRS setting.

I would like to use one rotary encoder for QNH setting (barometric pressure setting on altitude gauge). Now i know that FSUIPC can be used to set it as one exact volue. But i would like to set alt press by increments up and down by apx. 0.01 InHg or 1 hPa.

Could you help me how to solve this? Unfortunately, i am not able to understand any advanced informations in FSUIPC manual. So if there is some simple solution, please, write me some "step by step" manual....

Thanks so much


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Unfortunately, i am not able to understand any advanced informations in FSUIPC manual. So if there is some simple solution, please, write me some "step by step" manual....

Sorry, I cannot write the manual any simpler than I have, else I would have done, wouldn't I? :-(

You most certainly do not need any "advanced informations" in any case! You only need to go to the Buttons & Switches tab, press the button (as it tells you to), select for FS control, then find the control you want in the drop-down list.

The FS controls are listed by their name in FS -- the altimeter Kollsman window setting (the one you call QNH, though it isn't QNH unless you set it to be!) is mis-spelled by MS as "Kohlsman" and the two controls are "Kohlsman inc" and "Kohlsman dec". (I don't know how MS came to use that incorrect spelling of the inventor's name, but it has been that way in FS as long as I can remember).

Please tel me, what is so "advanced" about that? What is wrong with the descriptions of how to do this in the User manual? Surely this is even easier than understanding anything about flying a plane?



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You most certainly do not need any "advanced informations" in any case! You only need to go to the Buttons & Switches tab, press the button (as it tells you to), select for FS control, then find the control you want in the drop-down list.

This is perfectly clear for me already and there is no need to explain it more simple then it actualy is :)

The FS controls are listed by their name in FS -- the altimeter Kollsman window setting (the one you call QNH, though it isn't QNH unless you set it to be!) is mis-spelled by MS as "Kohlsman" and the two controls are "Kohlsman inc" and "Kohlsman dec". (I don't know how MS came to use that incorrect spelling of the inventor's name, but it has been that way in FS as long as I can remember).

Oh, i though there is only "Kohlsman set" option to choose in the list, i missed those "inc" and "dec" options so i though something more complicated has to be set to do this.

Please tel me, what is so "advanced" about that? What is wrong with the descriptions of how to do this in the User manual? Surely this is even easier than understanding anything about flying a plane?

Exactly nothing.. you are right. That wos only my mistake, sorry and thanks for answer.

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