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FSuipc 3.70

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because i am flying online whit several peoples in globalsim.

there was a guy that told me that there seems to be a problem whit the new version i dont no what.

But if you say that is not thrue than i am glad to here that and i will buy or registrate for the new version at simmarket.

Thank u Pete,

Ps is it even posible to run FSnavigator on a second pc whit widefs i now activesky does this.

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there was a guy that told me that there seems to be a problem whit the new version i dont no what.

When folks have any problems whatsoever FSUIPC always gets blamed first.

Ps is it even posible to run FSnavigator on a second pc whit widefs i now activesky does this.

No, because FSNavigator is NOT a separate program, it is an FS module, just like FSUIPC. It doesn't even use FSUIPC or anything of mine at all.


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Now i have payed at simmarket must i now download fsuipc 3.70 and widefs.......

You mean you paid first without even LOOKING at them? Both Zips have full documentation. The normal thing to do is find out all about them, decide if you need them, THEN buy them if you want. I do hope you've not wasted money -- you don't need to buy FSUIPC to use PMDG aircraft as they have licensed access.




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But i will use widefs (wideclient) for activesky on my second pc.

And it must by regitrate versions to work or not? en to registrate is it not true you must registrate fsuipc.......

You can pay for WideFS separately and register and use it without paying for FSUIPC. The registration of FSUIPC gives you access to all the facilities documented in its user guide, but nothing extra for WideFS -- which is why I advised you to look at it first.

However, if you ever do want to take advantage of the FSUIPC facilities, like button, key, and axis programming, accurate joystick calibration, and many other assorted facilities, then it is certainly cheaper to buy both FSUIPC and WideFS together. ;-)



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