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Aileron trim in helicopters?

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I've just set up elevator trim for helicopters in my FSUIPC & am extremely pleased with the results. Will it be possible in a future release of FSUIPC to include aileron trim for use in helicopters to counter sideways drift (especially when manuevering around an airfield)?

Having said that, is this used in the real world, or do pilots just steer into the wind with rudder & use elevator trim to counter thr drift?

Thanks for looking

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I've just set up elevator trim for helicopters in my FSUIPC & am extremely pleased with the results. Will it be possible in a future release of FSUIPC to include aileron trim for use in helicopters to counter sideways drift (especially when manuevering around an airfield)?

Well, possible I suppose, but not so easy -- aileron and rudder trim in FS are very much set-and-forget settings unlike elevator trim which is used all the time and reasonably responsive. I have far less in the way of control to play with.

Having said that, is this used in the real world, or do pilots just steer into the wind with rudder & use elevator trim to counter thr drift?

Sorry, I really know nothing about helos so I can't comment. It is really the worst time to ask me for new facilities when I need to concentate on getting the existing ones all working on FSX. Maybe you could do some research yourself -- find a forum where helo experts hang out and chat with them -- and come back in, say, November to ask again if it looks to be a good idea still?



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