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Questions about programming with FSUIPC

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For my utility, i need to read some data from FS. About it, i have two questions :

- How may i do to be able to Cyclically read a data? I read in another topic that the read function must be called in each cycle of FS but i don't really see where it can be. For information, the app is written in C++.

- What is the difference betwwen internal user and external for programming with FSUIPC? Does the internal user way be able to run an application which does not put FS in pause mode?

Thanks a lot for your help!!


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- How may i do to be able to Cyclically read a data? I read in another topic that the read function must be called in each cycle of FS but i don't really see where it can be.

Read data on a Windows WM_TIMER message, or in a TIMERPROC routine established by the Widows API "SetTimer".

As for matching it to FS's frame rate, that isn't really possible to do exactly, buty you can get close by doing something like limiting FS's frame rate to, e.g. 20 (in the Options-Settings-Display menu) and having your reads timed to happen every 50 mSecs (probably every 55 mSecs actually, as I think that's the default granularity of the Timers, or at least it used to be in Win98. Maybe it is better now).

- What is the difference betwwen internal user and external for programming with FSUIPC?

An "internal user" is one which is running insdide the FS process, so doesn't need the complexity of the inter process communication (IPC) nor the process switching. Internal users are panel Gauges and other DLLs running inside FS.

Does the internal user way be able to run an application which does not put FS in pause mode?

Nothing has to put FS in pause mode -- there's an option in FS to stop it going into pause mode on task switch.



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