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FSX: Showtext, Weatherset & ADVDysplay

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Showtext and weatherset working in multipc config with widefs & FSUIPC4.

ADVDysplay, on the local pc (where fsx runing) seems not (I copied the dll in fsx modules directory).

Does it ?

If so, how ?

Thx again for the great job you're doing since years for all of us.

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ADVDysplay, on the local pc (where fsx runing) seems not (I copied the dll in fsx modules directory).

Advdisplay is not supplied for FSX. It isn't even supported or developed now on FS2004. There are new facilities built into FSUIPC and FSUIPC4 for menu displays from the likes of Radar Contact, and ShowText can be used on Clients as before.

What are you trying to use Advdisplay for?


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Hello !

What are you trying to use Advdisplay for?


For the use it's make for !

No seriously,

I'm using Advdysplay with FS9 on the main simulator PC to read on a second monitor (I've 3 monitor on that pc) ATIS messages and some other messages (egs like fs meteo messages). I use (and like) the possibility of changing background and font color and size.

I't can be also usefull with FSX ...

But if it's not possibletant pis,

Thx anyway ..

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I'm using Advdysplay with FS9 on the main simulator PC to read on a second monitor (I've 3 monitor on that pc) ATIS messages and some other messages (egs like fs meteo messages). I use (and like) the possibility of changing background and font color and size.

You can do that anyway, in either of two ways:

1. Undock the FS window, and drag it to wherever. The font colour and size can't be changed this way though.

2. Run the free utility "Showtext" which you will already have, as it was part of the Advdisplay ZIP. That does allow many more options.

Actually, that reminds meI need to make ShowTest available for FSX users in the downloads above.



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1. Undock the FS window, and drag it to wherever. The font colour and size can't be changed this way though.

2. Run the free utility "Showtext" which you will already have, as it was part of the Advdisplay ZIP. That does allow many more options.

Thx for the answer, I'll try that next FSX flight.

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