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Deleting autosaved files

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In FSX, I have the autosave set up to keep 10 saves, but it keeps all saves (I've just deleted over 200!). Is this a bug, or is it my setup?

Incidentally, the "Also save to a flight called ..." feature is great. It allows you to replicate FS9's "Situation=previous flight" feature, which has disappeared in FSX.


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In FSX, I have the autosave set up to keep 10 saves, but it keeps all saves (I've just deleted over 200!). Is this a bug, or is it my setup?

I don't know. It only ever keeps 10 here. In order to be able to delete the files it needs to be able to work out the path to the folder. This would be the one also shown in the FSUIPC4 log file -- for instance on my system it is logged as:

31 FLT UNC path = "\\LEFT\I\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files"

on one of my machines (called 'LEFT'), and

156 FLT UNC path = "\\CORNER\C\Documents and Settings\Pete\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files"

This latter type of path is more usual.

If you aren't on a Network and your path is not shared the more usual form:

C:\Documents and Settings\Pete\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\

where of course your user name would appear instead of 'Pete'.

To actually save the files, FSUIPC4 doesn't need the path, as it uses FSX for that and they save to the default FSX user files folder, those shown above.

Please check this and let me know what it says, the name of your PC, AND where your files really are.



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Thanks for the quick reply. The line in my log file is

FLT UNC path = "\\DUGALD1\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\".

The correct path is

FLT UNC path = "\\DUGALD1\E\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\".

Is there some way I can fix this?


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The line in my log file is

FLT UNC path = "\\DUGALD1\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files".

The correct path is

FLT UNC path = "\\DUGALD1\E\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files".

Is there some way I can fix this?

I don't know. AutoSave uses the Registry to get this information, and it has worked in previous versions. And as I said, it works here.

We need to find out why it is getting the wrong path. In the case of AutoSave I could simplify it and use a local path not a "Universal" (UNC) path, but FSUIPC has to derive the UNC one in any case for programs running on a Network and wanting to access plans, flights and so on.

The search for the correct "Share" name is done on this item in the Registry:

"My computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\Shares"

Do you think you could check this for me? Do RUN, REGEDIT, then find that entry (RegEdit works like Explorer), highlight the "Shares" entry then go to the File menu and select Export. Save it somewhere as, say "MyShares.reg".

Then close Regedit (don't change anything in the Registry, mind! ;-)), rename "MyShares.reg" to, say "MyShares.txt" (Reg files are a big no-no for receiving), ZIP it just to be sure, and send it to me at petedowson@btconnect.com.

I'll put the same set of shares in a harmless place in my registry, temporarily changing my program to look there, so I can trace through and find out what it doesn't do right.



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