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FSUIPC 4.02 - Read Only attribute error

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Dear Mr. Dowson.

After installing FSUIPC4 and running AS 6.5 without problems, i downloaded today version 4.02. The auto installer is giving a Read Only attribute error. I unchecked 'read only' at the folder options and it was converted but i got the same error again. After checking the folder properties once more, the read only box was marked again. Btw, my whole FSX folder show me read only and don't let me change it.

I run FSX and AS 6.5 on a seperate partition without any problems (yet :-)).

Hope there's a solution, i can't find a hint in the forum.

Thanks for you reply.


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I unchecked 'read only' at the folder options and it was converted but i got the same error again. After checking the folder properties once more, the read only box was marked again. Btw, my whole FSX folder show me read only and don't let me change it.

Unless you can get FSUIPC4.DLL into the Modules folder, you cannot update the one that is there.

I don't understand how it is not letting you write to it. If you cannot write to any part of your FS installation you will never be able to update any of it.

Are you sure you haven't logged in as some other user with no privileges? Make sure you are logged in as the person who installed FSX in the first place. You probably need to be an administrator. Or you may be able to run the installer using "Run As" and select the correct user or the Aministrator?



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Thanks for your reply. I tried already to run the installer as admin and i am logged in as admin. I copied the installer into the Modules folder, but got the same error. If programs are not able to write into my FSX folder, the installation of FSUIPC4 and AS 6.5 should have failed as well. That's weird, it looks like it is just the 4.02 update.

By any chance, can i download the DLL seperate and install it manual ?

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I copied the installer into the Modules folder, but got the same error.

"The same error"? What is that -- if the folder is read-only protected, how could you copy the Install program into it? Are you saying you can write to read-only folders but my program cannot? I don't understand.

If programs are not able to write into my FSX folder, the installation of FSUIPC4 and AS 6.5 should have failed as well. That's weird, it looks like it is just the 4.02 update.

Does AS6.5 write to somewhere in FSX?

By any chance, can i download the DLL seperate and install it manual ?

If you already have FSUIPC4 installed, is there something in 4.02 you are desperate for? If so I can email it to you, but I'd really much rather sort the problem out, if that's all right with you?

Can you show me the actual message you are getting please? I really don't understand this as there's been no change in the part which checks the modules folder and copies in FSUIPC. If there's something I can do to get past your problem I'd like to do it, first, here and now.



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Yes, i am able to copy the installer into the Modules folder. AS 6.5 installed itself into the Modules folder as well. So it can not be write protected. I just get further the 'check read only attributes' error from the FSUIPC 4.02 installer.

I will make some screen shots this evening.

Well, i don't know if the update is important, AS 6.5 is the only addon for me right now and i am not desperate :D

Of course it's a better idea to sort out this problem first.

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Oh well, i 'prepared' everything for the screen shot and 4.02 installed... :shock: :D

I'm sorry for the riot, it looks like i just missed the reboot after changing the attribute - i wasn't aware, that this will be necessary !? I guess, I'll never find out why AS 6.5 installed nevertheless.

Thanks for your time Pete :oops:

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Oh well, i 'prepared' everything for the screen shot and 4.02 installed... :shock: :D

Meanwhile I've done assorted tests here. With FSUIPC4.DLL specifically marked 'Read Only' I can get the error, but I cannot specifically mark the modules folder "read only" -- it has a sort of gray tick in the "read only" checkbox, which I can change, but it is always there again afterwards. I've no idea why -- this is new with recent XP securtity updates I think -- but it certainly didn't stop the Installer.

So I think your original problem was something else. The pointer in the error message to "read only" is only because that seemed like the most likely reason Windows would stop the Installer overwriting the older file.

One other possible reason for it to fail is that the file was in use at the time. Possibly you had terminated FSX and it didn't appear to be running, but something in it hadn't closed. That would prevent the Installer changing the file for sure. You can check for this condition by using Ctrl_Alt_Del and looking for "FSX.EXE" in the Process list. If you find it, terminate it (button bottom right). That sort of thing happened sometimes with FS9 -- certain add-ons left threads running.

In FSUIPC4.022, which I may release for testing or wait and release it as 4.03 tomorrow or Friday, I am reporting the actual error text which Windows provides me. I am also detecting 'Read Only' beforehand and temporarily changing it to allow replacement, then restoring it afterwards.

it looks like i just missed the reboot after changing the attribute - i wasn't aware, that this will be necessary !?

No, that certainly isn't necessary for attribute changing. It would fix an FSX.EXE still running condition though.



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