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PFC program error

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I purchased FSUIPC4 and installed no problems.. I installed the pfcfsc.dll to the modules folder.. no problem..

Set the ini file using the FS2004 ini...

Open FSX and fly... all in my PFC controls and avionics stack work OK...

PROBLEM.... When I exit FSX, the avionics stack stays "active", all lit up....

Shuts down normally in FS2004....

Thanks for all your support..

Ray Lunning

Surprise AZ

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PROBLEM.... When I exit FSX, the avionics stack stays "active", all lit up....

Shuts down normally in FS2004....

Yes, I get that too. Not always, but most of the time. I've not yet found a solution, and I'm afraid with all the Simconnect support I'm having to do at present for Microsoft (it seems :-() it isn't high on my priority list.

It's something to do with the way FSX closes down much faster. PFCFSX is certainly still tyring to send the code sequences out to the device (there's a whole sequence of them, for each display part), but it's getting killed.

With my connection to FS via Simconnect now being asynchronous, it looks like by the time I get told that FSX is closing there isn't enough time -- the serial buffers are purged when the process disappears, and that's that.

Similar problems will occur with WideFS's "shutdown" facilities for Clients.

It isn't a "PROBLEM" in capitals as you maintain, just an annoyance. Until I can find a way around it I suggest you switch the aircraft's battery off before closing FSX. I may have to create a special thread which doesn't die for several seconds after the rest of FS, but, I'm sorry, there are more urgent things to do first.

I have a similar problem in trying to find a way of rectifying FSX's omission of a "Previous Flight" facility. I like to pick up my aircraft from where I parked it at the end of the previous session. In FS9 and before it was easy -- just set "Previous Flight" as the default. FSX doesn't save one. I would like to save one automatically from FSUIPC4, but, just as for PFCFSX, by the time I can detect that FSX is closing, it is too late!

I have a request in with Microsoft for an earlier notrification.



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