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fsuipc 4.023 and gpsout

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since i've installed fsuipc 4.023 gpsout don't run ...

with 4.02 there's no problem ...

I cannot make anything go wrong with GPSout in 4.023. I've tested it both via a COM port and via WideFS.

So, can you tell me more, please? Are you sure it is set up correctly? Please show me the [GPSout] section of your FSUIPC4.INI file.



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Ooops ! i don't understandall is ok this morning !!! :D

It's for an USB connexion ...


Yesterday when i clicked on the sentences (RMC, GGA ...) they remained unchecked when I started again FSX ....

This morning after reboot of PC all is normal !!!



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Yesterday when i clicked on the sentences (RMC, GGA ...) they remained unchecked when I started again FSX ....

Ah, I've checked. I think they may be getting cleared if it doesn't get a connection. I'll fix that if so. Possibly, as you are using a USB device, it was asleep or not connected one time.



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