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FS9 and WideFS

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Evening all, I just moved my computers into my new place and had to buy a new router as I left the old on at my old house... I bought the same exact router I had at the house and I had some trouble setting the damn thing up but finaly got it.

I don't know why it is searching for IPX/SPX server... It has never done that before with my old router.

Server Side

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.71] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 15/11/06, Time 21:48:12.218: Server name is JOSH-ROOM1

19438 Initialising TCP/IP server

19453 Initialising IPX/SPX server

19453 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10047] Address family not supported by protocol family

19453 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

19453 Initialising UDP/IP server

20047 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

30563 Restarting service due to total lack of use

30578 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

96578 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 0 alloc, 0 free

Read buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

Write buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

Throughput maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********

Client side

********* WideClient Log [version 6.71] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 15/11/06, Time 21:49:30.015: Client name is JOSH2

672 Attempting to connect now

922 Server = JOSH-ROOM1

922 Trying TCP/IP host "JOSH-ROOM1" port 8002 ...

922Okay, IP Address = X.X.X.X

2016 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10061] Connection refused

2016 Ready to try connection again

3281 ****** End of session performance summary ******

3281 Total time connected = 0 seconds

3281 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

3281 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

3281 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

3281 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********

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I don't know why it is searching for IPX/SPX server... It has never done that before with my old router.

WideServer has been setting up all three possible protocols if it can for many many versions now -- TCP. UDP and SPX. It doesn't matter if one isn't installed providing they are not all missing! Your previous version of WideFS must have been MANY years old if your log was not showing an attempt to set up SPX service!

********* WideClient Log [version 6.71] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 15/11/06, Time 21:49:30.015: Client name is JOSH2

672 Attempting to connect now

922 Server = JOSH-ROOM1

922 Trying TCP/IP host "JOSH-ROOM1" port 8002 ...

922Okay, IP Address = X.X.X.X

2016 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10061] Connection refused

Windows is refusing to allow the client connect to the Server. That's all Windows is saying. I assume it is because it is blocked by a firewall or something. Sorry, I cannot tell from here.

Maybe it's that weird IP address? Or did you do that? If so, why? There's no need for private Network addresses -- those are local to your Network.



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I never looked at my log before now. It always worked. What other information do you need to help me fix this?

If it's a firewall, I can't help with firewalls -- all the information I can possibly get is there, in the point blank message from Windows: "connection refused". Maybe your two PCs are on different workgrpups or something?

There's no other information I can get. If Windows refuses to allow WideClient to connect to your Server, there's not much I can do -- you need to find out why and fix it. It'll be something to do with your Netwrok settings somewhere.

Sorry. Katy Pluta over in the FS2004 Forum is the person I always ask about network problems. Maybe try there?

But first, check your Windows firewall settings on the Server. Disable it or explicitly allow WideClient / WideServer to talk to each other.

Or maybe there's a firewall setting in the Router which needs changing? Some routers provide their own firewall protections, I think.



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I had to add ServerName= my ip

It was trying to connect to my internet.

ERhow? There's something screwy with your router then. It should be able to identify the correct PC from the correct name. And local "intranet" IP addresses are never in the same subclass as Internet ones.

BTW why set the ServerName to the IP Address when there's a ServerIPaddr parameter you can set?



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