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Instructor Panels

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I am searching for off the shelf instructor software that will perform several functions.

I am using MS X software for a helicopter trainer. The main functions I need are:

The ability to introduce instrument failures

Flight planning

Pause flight and fast restart of mission

manually reposition aircraft when sim is paused.

System Failures

Receiver failures

I am asking you as you are an expert and probably have a clear idea what shareware or for sale that can perform these functions.

Best to you


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I am searching for off the shelf instructor software that will perform several functions.

Well any instructor package worth its salt would be able to do all those things, but I can't think of one which is specifically helicopter oriented at all. It may be more beneficial to post in a more general forum, say the FS2004 or FSX one (though don't expect much for FSX just yet).

The instructor package I am aware of is the one from Project Magenta, which works with all of their other packages for full airliner cockpit simulations. Whether it can be applied to helicopters is less likely, but it may be worth your inquiry. http://www.promagenta.com.



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