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Hi Pete,

with the new Version my FSX has a CTD when loadin the Modules.

I use FSInn and FSCopilot.dll starts as the second modul, cause the new FSUIPC-Installer puts FSUIPC.dll on the first place in dll.xml.

That happens only when FSUIPC has generated a FSUIPC.ini.

But, when I set FSUIPC on the second place to start, everything works OK.

This was not a problem with 4062.

And by the way, I see a "previous flight" in my Flights-Folder now, generatet by FSUIPC4. This is a great new (?) feature. You should list in in your history file, where I couldn't find it (but maybe Iam to blind to see :-) )


with the new Version my FSX has a CTD when loadin the Modules.

I use FSInn and FSCopilot.dll starts as the second modul, cause the new FSUIPC-Installer puts FSUIPC.dll on the first place in dll.xml.

That happens only when FSUIPC has generated a FSUIPC.ini.

But, when I set FSUIPC on the second place to start, everything works OK.

Ha!! It used to be the other way around -- that FSUIPC4 was better first, though the Installer added it to the end. To get around that I delayed the start of FSUIPC's initialisation. So what is happening now is the initialisations are occurring together again! :-(

This is a serious SimConnect bug which I darn well hope gets fixed pretty quickly as it is a real pain the the butt!

The installer puts the entry at the top now then tidies up the rest, adding correct terminators when missing, to get over some serious editing errors made by users and other installers. It was the best way to get a correct DLL.XML file, or at least correct as far as the FSUIP4 entry. I'm not going to change it back again now.

You can get FSUIPC4 to initialise itself immediately, as it did in the first place, by adding StartImmediately=Yes to the [General] section of the INI file.

This was not a problem with 4062.

Er, no, I'm sure you must mean 4.06, because the change to rebuild the DLL.XML file went in at version 4.061 (please check the History document).

And by the way, I see a "previous flight" in my Flights-Folder now, generatet by FSUIPC4. This is a great new (?) feature. You should list in in your history file, where I couldn't find it (but maybe Iam to blind to see :-) )

Eryou actually get one? I kept trying to make that work, but I cannot create one just before FSX closes, which is where I really want one. It does try -- on the EXIT control, and a SimConnect 'Quit' message, and on a CLOSE message being sent to my Window, but none of this works on either of my FSX installations -- FSX closes too quickly, after I send the Save Flight request to Simconnect, but before simconnect sends it on to FSX.

This is why it isn't documented, as I didn't think it worked at all. Can you tell me how you close FSX please?




Hi Pete,

it works, when I close with the little cross in the titlebar of the window.

It does not work, when I use the menu entry "Flug beenden" and close FSX from the "Startwindow".

I can do a logfile for you if you like.


Hi Pete,

it works, when I close with the little cross in the titlebar of the window.

It does not work, when I use the menu entry "Flug beenden" and close FSX from the "Startwindow".

Hmmm. I thought those were both the same, but maybe the former sends a CLOSE message long enough before the EXIT control gets obeyed to make it work, sometimes at least.

Do you have FS asking for confirmation of the closure? If so it maybe that -- it will give time for the Save to work, but of course if you then decline to end the session it won't be the final state.

There's a third way to terminate too -- CTRL+C -- which is the FS "EXIT" control, a shortcut really for the menu entry.

Unfortunately, none of these methods seem to give me that final flight here.




You are right, with all quick methods to close there will be no saved previous flight.

It's interesting, that FSX saves, when started, a "vorheriger Flug"-File in all three Versions (wx flt and FSsave) in this folder:

"C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\Microsoft\FSX" (in my german version)

This flight disapears, when FSX is closing. Very strange :-)

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