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Get informations about autopilot

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i´m testing the FSUIPC with Delphi and try to get some informations like COM-Frequences. Now i try to get the autopilot altitude value. I try to get the adress 07D4. I get some values but in what format? I´m programming in Delphi. Thanks for help

A. Baars

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I try to get the adress 07D4. I get some values but in what format?

You need to refer to the Programmer's Guide. In the table in that document it explains this as "Autopilot altitude value, as metres*65536". In other words, that 32-bit integer holds the altitude in metres times 65536.

Since 65536 is, in hexadecimal, 0x10000, this is effectively saying that the top 16 bits is the whole number of metres and the bottom 16 bits is the fractional part in 1/65536ths of a metre.

If you want feet you simply convert metres to feet by multiplying by 3.28084.

Please try the supplied utility FSINterrogate. You can read the values in that AND see the conversion in operation.


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