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Wind shifts in FSX

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I have done some searching but have not found much about the winds aloft in FSX. The direction is wrong and the rate of change makes flying with the newest version of Activesky impossible for me to fly with. And, the FSX internal weather is not providing winds aloft at all. It is frustrating to say the least.

On the Activesky forum, I am told that only a bug fix from Microsoft will solve this wind problem. It reminds me of the very similar issue with FS9.

Turning to FSUIPC finds the wind rate of change facility not availabe as it was with FS9. So what's the word on this? Are others finding the same result?

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I have done some searching but have not found much about the winds aloft in FSX. The direction is wrong and the rate of change makes flying with the newest version of Activesky impossible for me to fly with.

Whilst I cannot agree that it makes ActiveSky impossible to fly with (it still improves on the default weather), this is a known bug in FSX which I reasonably expect to be fully addressed in the forthcoming SP1 update.

Turning to FSUIPC finds the wind rate of change facility not availabe as it was with FS9. So what's the word on this?

FSUIPC4 is dependent upon facilities being fixed and added in FSX. I have full intentions to deal with all the weather issues as I can, but the state of the weather control system in FSX's initial release precluded anything further being done at that stage. I don't know, yet, how much more I can do with the SP1 updated version, but I will do what I can and continue to press MS for further changes where needed.



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Thanks Pete, I expected as much but wanted to hear if from the expert.

I should have been clearer about my statement regarding impossible to fly with ActiveSky. That's not exactly what I meant. I agree ActiveSky is an improvement over FSX's weather. The statement was actually referring to flying on-line with a group of friends who were using FS9. Them with an 80 knot headwind and me with a 80 knot tailwind is what I meant by "impossible for me to fly with".

Also, sorry for not signing my post, thought I had an autosiggie here.

Thanks for your support!

Mike Bevington

VATSIM Board of Governors

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