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FSUIPC to Excel

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...is there any possibility to read out values from FS9 (for example winds, temperature and so on..) via FSUIPC directly onto an excel-sheet?

As noted above, this is possible, and I did something similar to this myself. One thing I'd suggest is that unless you have some very specific reason why you want to directly create and write the data into a .xls file, it would be considerably easier to write the data out into a .csv file. Excel would be able to read that just as easily as a .xls file.


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  • 2 weeks later...
No, I mean to connect via Excel VBA script directly to FSUIPC, so that I can, for example, start a VBA script (on a excel sheet) and read out any values from FSUIPC write them directly into the cells of the sheet.

I don't know VBA, but can you do the programming needed in VBA? If VBA can call library routines, like those written for C programmers in the FSUIPC LIB file, then maybe you can do something by rewriting the latter as a DLL. Alternatively, check the FSUIPC Client DLL -- see viewtopic.php?f=54&t=53255 .

Really, I suspect you'd first need to write a supporting package (perhaps a DLL) for your VBA scripts to call. I doubt there's anything ready-made at present. You need to do some 'real' programming before 'scripting'.



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Hi Jörg,

No, I mean to connect via Excel VBA script directly to FSUIPC, so that I can, for example, start a VBA script (on a excel sheet) and read out any values from FSUIPC write them directly into the cells of the sheet.

VBA is pretty much the same syntax as VB6 so you might be able to use the source from the VB6 SDK. Try this:

1. Look in the FSUIPC SDK and open UIPC_SDK_VisualBasic.zip.

2. Open the FSUIPC.BAS file in notepad.

3. Create a new Module in your spreadsheet.

4. Copy and Paste the contents of FSUIPC.Bas into the new module.

5. Delete the top line beginning "ATTRIBUTE..."

You should then be able to use this library in the same way as the VB sdk. I've tried it really quickly and it compiled and the FSUIPC_open() seemed to work. (Told me it couldn't find FSUIPC or WideFS which was the right error message).

It's worth a try. I think there's a good chance it'll work.


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