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Guest ATN

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When i try to connect FS2002 and FliteMap 8 sometimes i have an error from fliteMap that appears... It says "Port Framing Error". I can't connect GPS. To connect it i have to shutdown FliteMap et reopen it. !!!

All is tune well i think:

- 19200 bauds.

- 1500 interval

- Garmin Nmea 0183 ...

All as is says in GPSOUT.ini !!!

Some can explain to me ??



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When i try to connect FS2002 and FliteMap 8 sometimes i have an error from fliteMap that appears... It says "Port Framing Error". I can't connect GPS. To connect it i have to shutdown FliteMap et reopen it. !!!

All is tune well i think:

- 19200 bauds.

- 1500 interval

- Garmin Nmea 0183 ...

All as is says in GPSOUT.ini !!!

Well, you shouldn't actually need to shut down and restart FliteMap - that sounds very odd - but framing errors are normally due to incorrect (mismatching) baud rate or parity. Try the Test mode in FliteMap, see what this shows.

If things are sometimes okay, sometimes not, I can only think that either your cable is rather suspect, or there's problem with one of the COM ports -- perhaps a conflicting IRQ.

With my copy of FliteMap I have the baud rate set to 19200, and the device selected happens to be "Garmin GPS 95 NMEA 0183" (but I think many of the others will do). In the GPSout.ini file the sentences selected are RMC, GGA and GSA.



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