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Steering tiller problem

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I have FSUIPC 3.750 (registered version).

Since version 3.617, from what I know, people that have an axis to spare may use it as a steering tiller.

But when I try to assign an axis for it in the Axis assignment tab, I cannot get any other axis than X, Y or Z.

More precisely I use a CH Products Fighterstick USB and I want to assign the lateral trim control to the steering tiller. But I only get the 'X" axis in FSUIPC (Aileron/Slew side).

I have chosen the "send direct to FSUIPC calibration" option.

I have read the FSUIPC manual but didn't find any solution.

Any help ?

Thank you in advance

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But when I try to assign an axis for it in the Axis assignment tab, I cannot get any other axis than X, Y or Z.More precisely I use a CH Products Fighterstick USB and I want to assign the lateral trim control to the steering tiller. But I only get the 'X" axis in FSUIPC (Aileron/Slew side).

FSUIPC3 should recognise any of the main 6 axes, X Y Z R U and V. It doesn't use DirectInput (unlike FSUIPC4, so may not recognise the two sliders added for DirectInput but not supported by the standard Windows joystick interface.

Is the "lateral trim control" on your device a true axis, or is it just a local trim, used by the device for trimming? Is it assignable for anything in FS itself? If not, there is no way FSUIPC can see it.

The other possibility is that it is one of the basic six axes, but the main three (X Y Z) are so jittery one of those is always seen first. This is the purpose of the "Ignore Axis" button. Each time FSUIPC detects an axis you aren't interested in, click the "Ignore Axis" so that any jitter on that one won't stop it seeing the others. (After all it can only see and deal with one at a time, and if they are all clamouring for attention it's a matter of first come, first served).

I have chosen the "send direct to FSUIPC calibration" option.

That's hardly relevant if the correct axis cannot be seen!



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