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Hi Pete,

Here I am again with a calibration problem using the throttle quadrant.

I installed FSUIPC 4.16 with update 4.174.

There are several problems within the joystick calibration

Problem 1:

3 of 11 separate throttles per engine.

Throthles 1 + 2 are OK. 3+ 4 are not responding (0 in / 0 out)

Map is set 1-->12 2-->34

Problem 2:

4 of 11 separate mixture controls per engine.

Mixture 1 is OK. 2 can not be set. 3+ 4 are not responding (0 in / 0 out)

Map is set 1-->12 2-->34

Problem 3:

5 of 11 separate prop pitch controls per engine.

Prop pitch 1 is OK. 2 can not be set. 3+ 4 are not responding (0 in / 0 out)

Map is set 1-->12 2-->34

I am using the CH-Contro manager in direct mode. Values in the throttle settings tab are:

Min value = 0

Max value = 255

Detent value = 240

Dead zone = 4

In the FS settings page I have all the 6 sensitivity sliders fully to the right, and the 6 null zone sliders fully to the left.

When using your previous update 4.162 things worked fine. Any idea what has changed since then?

Best regards.


  andypanda said:

Here I am again with a calibration problem using the throttle quadrant.

They sound the same as the one I fixed. what's the difference?

When using your previous update 4.162 things worked fine. Any idea what has changed since then?

No. Can I see the Calibration and Axes sections of your INI file please?


  andypanda said:

Throthles 1 + 2 are OK. 3+ 4 are not responding (0 in / 0 out)

Map is set 1-->12 2-->34

If you have two throttles assigned, and map them as you say, AND you have a 3 or 4 engine aircraft loaded, then, in FSUIPC, you will only use the calibration sections for throttles 1 and 2. Ignore 3 and 4.

I've made just those assignments here, and the throttles are operating the correct levers in FSX. They work fine, no matter whether I assign in FSX itself, or assign to FS controls (Axis throttle1 set and axis throtte2 set) in FSUIPC's Axis assignments, or even if I assign direct to FSUIPC in the axis assignments. The only odd-looking thing in that in at least one of those modes the Calibration screen may show the throttle 4 responding, and in the FS-assigned mode both the Throttle1 and 2 calibration IN/OUT values change when you move the throttle 1 lever (but #2 shows the calibrated values IN and OUT). None of this matters -- use the calibrations as normal.

On your other reports:

Mixture 1 is OK. 2 can not be set. 3+ 4 are not responding (0 in / 0 out)

Prop pitch 1 is OK. 2 can not be set. 3+ 4 are not responding (0 in / 0 out)

what does "can not be set" actually mean, please? I don't understand.

When using your previous update 4.162 things worked fine. Any idea what has changed since then?

Nothing at all in this area. Please review the list of changes posted in the "FSX Downloads" Announcement. The entry which refers to the fix you say worked is #9/ That's not been changed at all since then.

I need more information, please. I cannot make anything go wrong here.




Hi Pete,

I feel a little bit ashamed of myself.

After a mayor HD crash and reloading things for a few days I must have been to frustrated and tired to check things properly.

I simply forgot to assing the controls in the FS Controls Assigments page!

Your latest FSUIPC-update works fine, 100 %!

I am sorry keeping you on your toes.

Keep up the super work you do for us flight simmers.

Best regards.


  andypanda said:

I simply forgot to assing the controls in the FS Controls Assigments page!

Phew! Thank you! I was getting worried.

What 4-engined prop are you using in FSX, BTW? I was going to have to ask you because I've not got one so couldn't properly test the prop pitch and mixture stuff, only in theory! ;-)



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