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Hello Pete,

I decided yesterday that I will run another pc as support for my flying pc and therefor bought widefs. I have to confess that I learned to read documentation first :oops: What happend? I want to run ASX from client pc and I found it doesnt need widefs but only simconnect. So I set it up but the problem is, FSUIPC modul is now disabled is FSX (no menu on the upper bar) so I cant use widefs for another apps like FS ACARS as my widefs client wont connect to FSX.

I read widefs user guide first and you wrote there about some tips when using activesky, so I thought that I will be ok and went to simmarket, but now I dont know what to do :-)

Is there a way ASX will connect through widefs? (I know this isnt HIFI forum, but one never knows...)

Thank you


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I decided yesterday that I will run another pc as support for my flying pc and therefor bought widefs. I have to confess that I learned to read documentation first :oops: What happend? I want to run ASX from client pc and I found it doesnt need widefs but only simconnect.

Yes. ActiveSky 6.5 was the last version which could use WideFS (and it does work quite well with FSX too), but ASX is a brand new version which doesn't use FSUIPC at all. It interfaces directly to SimConnect. Only FSUIPC client programs can run on WideFS.

So I set it up but the problem is, FSUIPC modul is now disabled is FSX (no menu on the upper bar) so I cant use widefs for another apps like FS ACARS as my widefs client wont connect to FSX.

:roll: This is because you evidently failed to properly read the ASX documentation for installation on a client PC. It does actually advise you to re-install FSUIPC4 on FSX! Just re-run the FSUIPC4 installer on the FS PC, which should automatically correct the bad SimConnect.XML file you made.



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Well I did reinstall FSUIPC after simconnect setup. I will give it one more now to see..

Not sure what you mean by "simconnect setup" -- you wouldn't have done that on the FS PC, only on the Client. The problem will certainly be in the SimConnect.XML file you placed into the Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX folder on the FSX PC. Running the Install FSUIPC4 program again on that PC should correct it, but if it doesn't please show me the SimConnect.XML file and I'll tell you how to fix it. (It is a normal text file, you will be able to open it in Notepad and copy/paste it into your message).

I'll be glad when everyone has the Acceleration Addon or the free FSX SP2 update -- Microsoft have fixed this mess with the SimConnect local configuration possibilities. It will then be much harder to mess it up (still possible, though! ;-) )



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I followed the ASX documentation for instalation. The true is that as my internet connection was out for whole afternoon and night yesterday, I set everyhing before installing FSSDK update kit and this will be why it got messed up.

Anyway, everything is fine now and I gained a LOT of FPS :) Running ASX through simconnect and FSINN and ACARS through widefs gave approx. 70% extra :mrgreen:

I would suggest you though that you might put a small warning somewhere in your docs that ASX is no longer working with FSUIPC, as I said earlier - I´ve read the widefs user pdf and you are talking there about active sky. I didn´t realized, that ASX is not the thing. But anyway, I have other software to be used widely so was not sending the € for something I wouldnt use :)



P.S. Once you mentioned acceleration/SP2 i have a small question : I have heard rumors saying the SP2 itself will be distributed free but some time (like 2 months) after acceleration hits the stores - do you know anything about it?

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I would suggest you though that you might put a small warning somewhere in your docs that ASX is no longer working with FSUIPC, as I said earlier - I´ve read the widefs user pdf and you are talking there about active sky.

Well I actually expect many current FSUIPC client applications to become direct SimConnect ones instead as they get re-written, so it isn't something so much to do with FSUIPC and WideFS as to do with SimConnect and Microsoft's policy of supporting such applications directly. I will of course review my documentation to see if it is misleading, but I think the prime reference for such things must always be the documentation for the actual application itself. I cannot necessarily keep up with all application program changes in any case -- I only knew this about ASX because I bought it myself.

Another problem is that I don't expect there to be another WideFS release in which I could have the opportunity to issue revised documentation. I wouldn't like to make a release just for documentation.

Once you mentioned acceleration/SP2 i have a small question : I have heard rumors saying the SP2 itself will be distributed free but some time (like 2 months) after acceleration hits the stores - do you know anything about it?

It will be a free download, yes, and it will be later than Acceleration (which is released today in the U.S.), but I'm sorry I do not have any idea as to any specific timetable. Keep an eye on the FSInsider web site.



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