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Hi Peter,

I'm having trouble running FSUIPC v4.20 on FSX with Vista x64.

Although the program works okay within FSX, all the applications that I have tried that use FSUIPC do not connect (It's Your Plane, AI Smooth 1.20, B737 Fuel Planner). I am sure that Simconnect is okay as my TrackIR works fine.

Have you had any trouble before running on V64?

Your assistance would be most appreciated. :)




I'm having trouble running FSUIPC v4.20 on FSX with Vista x64.

Although the program works okay within FSX, all the applications that I have tried that use FSUIPC do not connect (It's Your Plane, AI Smooth 1.20, B737 Fuel Planner). I am sure that Simconnect is okay as my TrackIR works fine.

Since both FSX and FSUIPC4 (not to mention SimConnect) are 32-bit programs, I am really at al loss to know how a 64-bit operating system can affect it so.

However, I need (as always) to see the Install FSUIPC4.log and the FSUIPC4.log files, both from your FSX Modules folder. Your problem is probably nothing to do with whether it is 32 or 64 bits, but whatever it is the first steps are there.




Hi Peter,

When I woke up this morning I checked the log which was clean - no errors.

I then realised that the only explanation must be a permissions issue.

I checked "Run As Administrator" in the compatability tab for AISmooth and 737 Fuel Planner and Presto!, both worked fine.

I should have thought of this before but hey I guess I was tired and the ole' brain was half asleep.

Thanks for your trouble anyway, I hope at least this post serves to help others who will surely come across this issue at some point.

Best regards and have a great Sunday.



I checked "Run As Administrator" in the compatability tab for AISmooth and 737 Fuel Planner and Presto!, both worked fine.

Sounds like they are installed in the Program Files folder, which is protected in Vista? Or maybe they need to write to somewhere in FSX and that is installed in Program Files too?

The FSUIPC4 Installer makes the Modules folder read/write by all comers, to avoid problem with FSUIPC writing its INI and LOG files. Best really to install all non-Vista aware programs outside Program Files.



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