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System freezes with CH Throttle Quadrant

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Hi everybody,

I bought the CH Throttle Quadrant this weekend. The whole installation, axis assignement etc. worked well. My current Joystick setup is as follows:

- CH FS Yoke (all axis and buttons controlled by FS)

- CH Pro pedals (all axis controlled by FS)

- CH Throttle Quadrant (all axis controlled by FSUIPC 3.6.5, no buttons assigned)

- No CH Manager installed

Now the Problem:

My system freezes (whole system, not only FS, have to use the reset button) when:

Approaching rwy 16L at Seattle Tacoma (standard FS scenery) with the Joistick setup mentioned above and the HJG DC-8-62 or 63

The problem does not occure with following aircraft/scenery/joystick combinations:

1) Approaching rwy 16L at Seattle Tacoma (standard FS scenery) with the Joistick setup mentioned above and another aircraft (RFP 747-200, FS standard B737)

2) Approaching rwy 16L at Seattle Tacoma (standard FS scenery) without CH Throttle Quadrant (unplugged USB cable, no assignements in FSUIPC) and the HJG DC-8-62 or 63

3) Approaching other Airports (Geneva-standard FS or Zurich-FreeZ-very complex) with the Joistick setup mentioned above and the HJG DC-8-62 or 63

As you can see, i couldn't indentify a clear culprit.

The next steps i'm suggesting to try are:

- FSUIPC 3.7.5

- A different USB-Slot

- Throttle Quadrant axis controlled by FS

- Seattle by night

- Seattle by day, other direction

Maybe someone has another idea.

Thanks and Regards


EDIT: I use FS 2004 (9.1 version)

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My system freezes (whole system, not only FS, have to use the reset button)

Assuming you are using Windows XP or Vista, if the whole system freezes it is a driver issuemost likely video driver, but possibly, less likely, a game controller driver. Or even a sound driver (check that by turning sound off).

The fact that it occurs only in specific circumstances only means that the timing coincidences critical for the hang to occur are altered by what is running, memory arrangements, and so on. In fact, considering the latter it could even be a memory chip problem.

The next steps i'm suggesting to try are:

- FSUIPC 3.7.5

- A different USB-Slot

- Throttle Quadrant axis controlled by FS

- Seattle by night

- Seattle by day, other direction

I don't support any FSUIPC earlier than 3.75 in any case. There's also a later one available above (3.766) - see the "Other downloads" announcement.

Try also without sound, with earlier or later video drivers, with different graphics settings in FS. And see if you can get the memory chips tested. With current versions of Windows it is impossible for user level applications like FS and FSUIPC to cause the whole system to hang. Such things have to be low-level drivers or harware.



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Did a some more testing and discovered the following:

- Problem appears with all aircraft (with some it takes a bit longer) and all FSUIPC-Versions.

- Problem does not appear only when throttle quadrant is disconnected from the USB-Port or display setttings are set to minimum.

I think most probably it's a hardware conflict between Seattle (video card) and throttle quadrant. I'm going to spam hardware forums now :wink:



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