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I do not seem to be able to get offset 3122-6 to operate the audio for Com 2 in FS9. All the other audios work ok, Both, Nav1 Nav2 etc. using 3122- 0 to 5. Can anyone confirm or help on this one?

Regards.....................Brian W

  bwilliamson said:
I do not seem to be able to get offset 3122-6 to operate the audio for Com 2 in FS9. All the other audios work ok, Both, Nav1 Nav2 etc. using 3122- 0 to 5.

Either COM1 (value 0x80 in 3122) or COM2 (value 0x40) are always set. They read okay and write okay here, and the change is visible on the radio stack switch LEDs. I've just checked with FSUIPC 3.766 and the default FS9 Cessna.

Maybe the aircraft you are using doesn't have a COM2?


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