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hi pete,

ive been chking your website out, i'm a 17 yr., vet of ms fs and...

i d/l-ed the setup file ver. 6xxxx, installed it and have the module tab in fs9, when i click middle mouse button the mouse just freezes till i click left button...

when i click on modules i get the fsui option that asks me for a key. will the registered version allow me to use the mouse as yoke, and do u have a direct link to the page to get the the key and or pay///

i also d/l-ed the fsuipc zipped file to desktop, how/where does that fit in/



most importantly; will the registered version allow me to use the mouse as yoke

i have read all i can about this update, but i am still a bit unsure and that's why i'm asking u personally...

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i d/l-ed the setup file ver. 6xxxx

Version ".6xxxx" of what? I don't have anything like that.

when i click middle mouse button the mouse just freezes till i click left button...

What does a middle mouse button do? I have never used it and certainly don't program for it. Maybe it does something in FS? Have you checked the help?

when i click on modules i get the fsui option that asks me for a key.

FSUI? Do you mena FSUIPC? FSUIPC never actively asks for a key, at all.

will the registered version allow me to use the mouse as yoke

No. Please review the User Guide supplied in the FSUIPC ZIP. It tells you everything you need to know about what you get.

and do u have a direct link to the page to get the the key and or pay

There was a link where you downloaded FSUIPC from, there are links in the provvided User Guide, and there are links in the Announcements above.

i also d/l-ed the fsuipc zipped file to desktop, how/where does that fit in

The ZIP contains FSUIPC, which you must have known already, otherwise how did you get it. FSUIPC is supplied, with all the documentation you need, in a ZIP. ZIPs are compressed files used for such things. You must have seen them before?

most importantly; will the registered version allow me to use the mouse as yoke

No. It contains no such facility.


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i d/l-ed a program [ mouse as yoke] from http://www.lovettsoftware.fsnet.co.uk/Mwnload.htm, it is a setup file, ver, 6.x.x. it uses the fsuipx file also, somehow while reading thru the file info, i mis-took your site as his...

Ah, yes. I know about Richard Lovett's program. It uses FSUIPC, but you don't need to pay for it. It works with an unregistered copy.



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