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FSUIPC/simconnect problem

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Hi Pete

I have now used so much time to get FSUIPC4 working in my FSX, so I'm nearly giving up. I have the same problem as a lot of other FSX-er, that ADD-ON is'nt showing up in the menu line in top of FSX. Tried everything, turned firewall off, clean start-up, use lot of time reading fora. Something is wrong with the simconnect I believe. There is a thing though, do I have to install the SDK part of Microsoft Flightsimulator FSX from the cd-rom, to have simconnect working? I show you some logs, that maybe is usefull.

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.20 by Pete Dowson *********

User Name=""

User Addr=""

FSUIPC4 not user registered

WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

Running inside FSX (SimConnect SP1 May07)

Module base=61000000


60 System time = 17:02:29

70 FLT UNC path = "\\ZITECH\C\Documents and Settings\Keld\Dokumenter\Flight Simulator X Files\"

70 FS UNC path = "E:\Microsoft Games\FSX\"

1472 LogOptions=00000001

1472 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

10685 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 0, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect!

10685 Trying another version of SimConnect ...

10795 Now running with SimConnect Original

10795 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

10795 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 0, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect!

10795 Trying another version of SimConnect ...

10905 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities

10905 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Message, return = 0xFF080000

25957 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

25957 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

40979 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

40979 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

56010 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

56010 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

71022 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

71022 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

86073 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

86073 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

101115 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

101115 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

116117 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

116117 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

131128 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

131128 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

146150 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

146150 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

161171 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

161171 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

176193 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

176193 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

191215 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

191215 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

206236 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

206236 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

221268 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

221268 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

236289 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

236289 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

251311 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

251311 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

266333 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

266333 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

281364 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

281364 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

296386 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

296386 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

311407 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

311407 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

326429 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

326429 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

341451 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

341451 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

356472 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

356472 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

371494 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

371494 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

386515 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

386515 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

401537 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

401537 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

416559 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

416559 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

431580 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

431580 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

446602 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

446602 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

461633 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

461633 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

476675 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

476675 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

491707 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

491707 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

506718 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

506718 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

521720 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

521720 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

536802 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

536802 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

551833 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

551833 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

566915 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

566915 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

581997 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

581997 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

597078 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

597078 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

612160 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

612160 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

627232 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

627232 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

642283 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

642283 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

657285 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

657285 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

663534 System time = 17:13:32

663534 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Memory managed: 2 Allocs, 2 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.20

Looking in registry for FSX install path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0


SetupPath="E:\Microsoft Games\FSX"

Checking version of FSX.EXE:

... Version 10.0.60905.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0)

Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:

... Okay, Probe Manifest matches installed SimConnect 60905 (Original)

Found later build SimConnect 61242 (SP1 May07)

Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC4 installed in:

E:\Microsoft Games\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL

... No previous valid version found.

FSX Modules folder already exists.

Okay -- installed FSUIPC4 into "E:\Microsoft Games\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL"

Looking for the current user's Application Data path:

... found as "C:\Documents and Settings\Keld\Application Data"

Now finding \Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG for all users, including this one

Looking in "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Documents and Settings\Keld\Application Data"

Found FSX.CFG in "C:\Documents and Settings\Keld\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG"!

Now checking DLL.XML ...

... There is a previous DLL.XML, checking for FSUIPC4 section.

... FSUIPC4 section already exists but will be replaced.

... FSUIPC4 section of DLL.XML written okay

Now checking for a SimConnect.XML file ...

... No SimConnect.XML file found. This is okay.

Looking in "C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application Data"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Application Data"

No FSX.CFG there

Now installing additional files into the Modules folder:

Installed "FSUIPC4 User Guide.pdf" okay

Installed "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users.pdf" okay

Installed "FSUIPC4 History.pdf" okay

Installed "List of FSX controls.pdf" okay

All installer tasks completed okay!

*************** End of Install Log ***************

My dll.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>







Object Placement Tool



..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Mission Creation Kit\object_placement.dll


Traffic Toolbox



..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll


Visual Effects Tool



..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Special Effects SDK\visualfxtool.dll





My simconnect



Regards Keld Mogensen

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There is a thing though, do I have to install the SDK part of Microsoft Flightsimulator FSX from the cd-rom, to have simconnect working?

No, not at all. That just complicates matters. If you don't need it, don't install it.

10685 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 0, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect!

10685 Trying another version of SimConnect ...

10795 Now running with SimConnect Original

10795 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

10795 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 0, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect!

What appears to be the problem is that you have the SP1 update installed, but the SimConnect for it is wrong. The base version of SimConnect is okay (it is that which is loading FSUIPC), but FSX doesn't want to use it as it believes the SP1 version is there.



The version of the DLL in that second folder should match the version number on FSX.EXE.

I think you have a mis-installed SP1 update. You need to try uninstalling SP1, checking again, and if things are then okay, re-install SP1.

There is a possibility that this process won't actually re-construct the WinSxS stuff, so after doing it if it still doesn't work, i think you'll have to try deleting that second folder, above, and repeating the uninstall/re-install process.

Please do send a note to tell_fs@microsoft.com about all this. I want to make sure they fully realise the extent of the problems their installation process creates. No doubt a lot of this is to do with windows rather than FS directly (Windows is responsible for the WinSxS system), but I think the FS team need to attend to it.

The SP2 or Acceleration update avoids problems with firewalls for local use of SimConnect, and the installation process should have been improved too. Acceleration doesn't need SP1 (it will install it if it isn't there), but SP2 needs a good FSX + SP1 to start with.



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I have checked the version number on the second folder and it matches the versionnumber on my FSX.exe

Okay. there is one other possibility. The error can also be caused by having a SimConnect.dll (or a file ending with that name) in the FSX Modules folder or FSX main folder, or anywhere associated with other programs you use with SimConnect. Check for this and delete any such copies.

Failing that I can only suggest going ahead with the reinstall or delete and reinstall of SP1.

The repair suggested in my FSX Help announcement may help, though if FSUIPC4 is actually getting loaded it would seem that the base version of SimConnect is okay.



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Hi Pete

I have now tried to uninstall SP1, and when starting up FSX i suddenly had the Add-on my menu. ThenI re-installed SP1 and Add-on was gone.

I then, as you suggested, deleted the second folder, uninstalled/reinstall and unfortunately the add-on was missing.

So for now I will use FSX without SP1. It's a shame, but thats life. I'm disappointed to have use money on FSX, and then it don't work proporly, so I have to use my good and old FS2002.

I have sent a mail to Microsoft about my problem and my disappointment over there product.

Regards Keld Mogensen

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I have now tried to uninstall SP1, and when starting up FSX i suddenly had the Add-on my menu. ThenI re-installed SP1 and Add-on was gone.

Very strange! That's a new one on me! I really don't know what to suggest. It sounds like your copy of SP1 may be broken in some way. Maybe downloading a fresh copy would do the trick?



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