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AirSimTech offsets in FSUIPC.ini

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I have a problem to write the correct syntax in my FSUIPC.ini.

I want to activate the following offsets from the AST A320 TCAS module:

SWPASS=TCAS STBY SWID:5000 Fsaddr:4850

SWPASS=TCAS TA SWID:5001 Fsaddr:4850

SWPASS=TCAS TARA SWID:5002 Fsaddr:4850

"Just send the SWID value (interger) to the FSUIPC offset &H4850

Exp: &H4850 value=5002 execute TARA mode " says the designer in the forum - but how to write it into the .ini-file?

Example: my joystick button which I want to use to activate "standby" is: 2002,0

Would be great if you could write the line for me!

Thank you,


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I have a problem to write the correct syntax in my FSUIPC.ini.

Why are you messing with the INI. Use the Options screen, in FS.

"Just send the SWID value (interger) to the FSUIPC offset &H4850

Exp: &H4850 value=5002 execute TARA mode " says the designer in the forum - but how to write it into the .ini-file?


Example: my joystick button which I want to use to activate "standby" is: 2002,0

Go to FSUIPC's "buttons and Switches" option, press that button, opt to program it for a control, not a key press. In the drop-down find "Offset Word Set" and assign it, set the offset to x4850 and the parameter to 5002. Confirm, exit, job done.

Please do take a look at the FSUIPC User guide, which even has pictures and examples.



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