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Incorrect version of FSUIPC, or not FSUIPC

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Dear Pete,

I have just downloaded and paid for the FSUIPC3 Version 3.75. Following the instructions I pasted the FSUIPC.dll into the modules folder of my copy of FS 2004. Then on starting the FS I went to the modules section and entered my registration key etc. It was accepted and I was asked to restart FS. On restarting the program I received the following message: Incorrect version of FSUIPC, or not FSUIPC. I clear that message, which appears once more and then FS starts OK. I return to the modules dropdown and all my registration details are shown as all correct. In the FS program files the FSUIPC.log states the following:

********* FSUIPC, Version 3.75 by Pete Dowson *********

Running on Windows Version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Verifying Certificate for "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\MODULES\FSUIPC.dll" now ...

SUCCESS! Signature verifies okay!

Running inside FS2004(original release)

User Name="Simon Wheeler"

User Addr="simon.wheeler@ukonline.co.uk"

FSUIPC Key is provided

WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

Module base=61000000



InitDelay: 0 seconds




3114 System time = 16:23:50

3114 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\

3124 System time = 16:23:50, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)

5388 C:\Documents and Settings\Simon Wheeler\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files\FRA RW 18 lined up F10 285 Tons.flt

5498 AIRCRAFT\VMAX VIR_OC\Vmax_Classic_2.air

6800 Aircraft="Vmax 747-200 VMAX VIRGIN ATLANTIC OLD COLORS"

14000 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

37123 C:\Documents and Settings\Simon Wheeler\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files\FRA 25R VOR APP Course Intercept.flt

40158 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

43372 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

78623 WeatherOptions set, now 40003605 (timer=0)

98351 System time = 16:25:25, FS2004 time = 13:03:04 (12:03Z)

98351 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Memory managed: 0 Allocs, 255 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed *** *******

.....I have Ready for Pushback 2nd Gen installed with an addon of a third party triple INS program. I have been useing a CH Virtual Pilot Pro yoke together with a set of Thrustmaster Rudder Control System pedals.

Can you tell me what the problem is?


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I have just downloaded and paid for the FSUIPC3 Version 3.75. Following the instructions I pasted the FSUIPC.dll into the modules folder of my copy of FS 2004. Then on starting the FS I went to the modules section and entered my registration key etc. It was accepted and I was asked to restart FS. On restarting the program I received the following message: Incorrect version of FSUIPC, or not FSUIPC.

There is no such message in FSUIPC. That is produced by a program which is trying to use FSUIPC.

I return to the modules dropdown and all my registration details are shown as all correct. In the FS program files the FSUIPC.log states the following


Can you tell me what the problem is?

Yes. Either the system date of your PC is earlier than the date of your Key purchase, or the Key is in fact invalid. I've just checked the latter and it certainly appears to be okay, so could you please check the date on your PC? It needs to be 12 December 2007 or later.



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Dear Pete,

Thankyou for your prompt reply. Yes indeed you are correct. Somehow my computer had managed to assume the wrong date (November 30th in fact) which I have rectified and now I no longer get that message and all seems ok. Thankyou again.

One point that is puzzling me is that the six buttons and the two 'top hat' switches on my CH Virtual Pilot Pro do not have their own different assignment numbers. Several seem to share the same numbers within the FSUIPC configuration, as they also do in the windows Game Controller. It is a several years old serial yoke that is connected to the laptop USB socket via a serial to USB adapter. Perhaps you have a suggestion.

Thankyou again,


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One point that is puzzling me is that the six buttons and the two 'top hat' switches on my CH Virtual Pilot Pro do not have their own different assignment numbers. Several seem to share the same numbers within the FSUIPC configuration, as they also do in the windows Game Controller. It is a several years old serial yoke that is connected to the laptop USB socket via a serial to USB adapter. Perhaps you have a suggestion.

Sorry, I really have no idea. When you say there are buttons sharing numbers, do you mean on separate joysticks, or duplicates on the one? Hats are only nmumbered in FSUIPC -- 32 to 39, abiding by old (FS98 & FS2000) FS conventions. I can't imagine any of those coinciding with any of the ordinary buttons which must be 0-31 (FSUIPC) or 1-32 (Windows Game Controllers) -- excepting of course that DirectInput does allow up to 64 buttons [FSUIPC doesn't use DirectInput for buttons, so won't see 32-63].


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Thankyou again for your reply. On this CH Virtual Pilot Pro control yoke there are six red buttons, three on the left and three on the right, plus two hat position switches.

Moving from left to right across the six buttons:

FSUIPC shows as:

First button = 0

Second = 2

Third = 0

Fourth = 0

Fifth = 3

Sixth = 1

The left hat switch activates the same button numbers as the red buttons and moved to the: Left = 2 Up = 1 Right = 1 Down = 1

The right hat switch only displays numbers as: Left = 38 Up = 32 Right = 34 Down = 36.

And the windows XP Games controller identifies as:

First button = 1

Second = 3

Third = 1 & 3

Fourth = 2,3 & 4

Fifth = 4

Sixth = 2

The left hat switch activates the same button numbers as the red buttons and moved to the: Left = 3 & 4 Up = 2,3,4 Right = 2,4 Down = 2,3

The right hat switch only displays on the 'point of view hat' and moved to the: Left = view left Up = View up Right = View Right Down = View down.

I’m sorry as I’m a bit of a novice but can see that it is not possible to assign a useful number of tasks to these buttons with so much duplication of functions. Maybe its because this control yoke is an older serial port connection type being used with an analogue to USB adapter from Maplins.

Maybe I need to get a genuine USB yoke?

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The left hat switch activates the same button numbers as the red buttons and moved to the: Left = 2 Up = 1 Right = 1 Down = 1

The right hat switch only displays numbers as: Left = 38 Up = 32 Right = 34 Down = 36.

Hats first: the right hat is operating as a true "POV", with only 4 not 8 positions. That's quite common. Obviously the other hat isn't a POV at all.

The other buttons are doing the traditional CH-style encoding, programming up to 14 buttons by using assorted combinations of the 4 buttons lines which were available on an old style Game Port.

So, it this a true USB device or a converted Game Port device? Does it have a Game Port connector on it? It sounds like a pretty old game port device to me.

Your findings with the Games Controller applet in Windows also seem to confirm that the device is indeed an old-style CH game port one.

You need a standard CH driver installed for it which will decode the assorted button number combinations and give you 6 separate buttons number for the buttons and 4 more for the left hand hat. Those 10 plus the 4 for the POV gives 14, the maximum for this style of encoding.

Maybe its because this control yoke is an older serial port connection type being used with an analogue to USB adapter from Maplins.

I think you mean Game Port, not Serial? A serial port plug has 9 or 25 pins. Look at the adapter connection. I'm pretty sure it will have 15 pins.

Note that I am not at all sure that even if you find the correct (antique by now) CH driver it will be able to handle the USB connection -- I think Game Port drivers only dealt directly with the fixed motherboard Game Ports. But it may be worth a try. Otherwise it may be time to ditch the thing and treat yourself to a new one.



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Thankyou for your patience Pete. Yes you are right it has fifteen pins and is therefore a gameport device. I will battle on with it for a bit longer but think I will take your advice and buy a more modern yoke. The Saitek Pro Flight Yoke plus throttle quadrant and pedals system looks about as good as the latest CH Yoke etc system - what do you think?

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The Saitek Pro Flight Yoke plus throttle quadrant and pedals system looks about as good as the latest CH Yoke etc system - what do you think?

I don't know them well really, but I think Saitek's build quality, the feel of the things, is generally a bit classier than CH. But there have been some initial problems in the firmware/driver implementation which have been reported here (do a search on "Saitek") and elesewhere. They have said they are fixing these so the ones being sold now may be fine.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pete,

Thanks for the help earlier this month. I have followed your advice and have bought an up to date USB Yoke (Saitek Flight Pro Yoke and throttle quadrant). Yes, I have read that some people have had problems with the installation of this yoke so I'll see how I get on. The software included is a bit annoying because it asks that I must install .Net Runtime V2.0 before being able to continue with the installation of the Saitek Smart Technology (SST). So I downloaded the .Net Runtime V2.0 which seems to be actually called .Net Framework - tried to install it but it asks for MS Windows Installer V3.0 to be installed first! So I go to try to download MS Windows Installer V3.0 only to be told that MS will have to check the validity of my Windows XP installed. I resent this intrusion of Bill Gates and Co even though my copy is above board. Do I really need this Saitek Smart Technology (SST) installed? Or is it only Saiteks program for assigning the knobs and buttons and levers? In which case I think your FSUIPC probably does a better job? And I don't need to bother with the SST?

One other point if you can help. The Saitek yoke seems to work well although I have not yet done any assigning. However I am trying to use my old game port Thrustmaster Rudder pedals via the game port to USB converter that I have. The problem is that the rudder pedals do move the rudder but only to FULL left, or FULL right, and centre, but nothing in between. Consequently I cant progressivly apply the rudder to correct small deviations of heading, for example durin g an engine failure on takeoff. Maybe I have to get the matching Saitek pedals?

Are there specific instructions for configuring via the FSUIPC for Saitek or is it the same for all hardware - and where can I find such guidance?

Hope you had a nice Christmas,


Simon W.

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Do I really need this Saitek Smart Technology (SST) installed? Or is it only Saiteks program for assigning the knobs and buttons and levers? In which case I think your FSUIPC probably does a better job? And I don't need to bother with the SST?

Sorry, I don't know. That will depend upon whether the whole device is a standard HID joystick, in which case most if not all should be usable with just a default Windows driver and FSUIPC, or whether it is more sophisticated and has stuff that is only understood by their software.

I am trying to use my old game port Thrustmaster Rudder pedals via the game port to USB converter that I have. The problem is that the rudder pedals do move the rudder but only to FULL left, or FULL right, and centre, but nothing in between.

Sounds like they are either terribly calibrated, or have an incorrectly set sensitivity and null zone in FS (the sensitivity should be full right and null zone full left for all axes), or, just possibly, have something set in Windows registry which tells Windows that they are digital not analogue. I believe that was one of the problems with one of the Saitek installers too, so it is a little suspicious.

Are there specific instructions for configuring via the FSUIPC for Saitek or is it the same for all hardware - and where can I find such guidance?

There's nothing specific -- FSUIPC is just a generic calibration and assignment utility, mainly operating on the FS end (i.e. it understands what FS needs and adjusts for that, not specifically for whatever the inputs come from). The instructions in the FSUIPC User Guide apply to all.

Happy New Year!


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  • 7 years later...

Dear Pete.

I have recently acquired the Academic version of P3d. I am also using kACARS to record my flight.

However, after installing FSUIPC downloaded from the website, kACARS refuses to connect to P3d giving me an error stating that the FSUIPC error is incorrect. The error reads: Incorrect FSUIPC version error #7

Is there anything I can do to get this working?

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However, after installing FSUIPC downloaded from the website, kACARS refuses to connect to P3d giving me an error stating that the FSUIPC error is incorrect. The error reads: Incorrect FSUIPC version error #7

Is there anything I can do to get this working?


I don't know. I don't know "kACARS". But I can check that FSUIPC is okay if you find the FSUIPC4.LOG file in the P3D Modules folder and paste it into a message here. Make sure you close P3D first.


BTW, you are lucky I even saw your posting here, because you added to a thread which last saw access in 2007, a full 8 years ago! Please never do such a daft thing again.  Just create a new thread with your own title for a fresh subject or one so long separated in time!




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