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Adding comments (;) ?


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I have win XP

Using FSUIPC ver 4.2 and 3.75

Using FS9 I can add a comments like this in the ini file:


1=P2,4,C66079,0 ; Gear Down

2=P2,5,C66080,0 ; Gear Up

3=P2,0,K121,8 ; Track IR Pause (F10)

4=P2,8,K122,8 ; Track IR Center (F11)

When I start the sim and go to the FSUIPC Buttons Tab to check the assignments discriptions display properly. When I press a button the box will fill in to tell me what the button assignment is.

When I do the same comments using FSX (FSUIPC 4.2) the and press the button to see that it is properly assigned the box does not fill in. The function however, still works in the sim.

Here, if I then remove the ; xxx comment then the button press will fill in the assignment information box.

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When I do the same comments using FSX (FSUIPC 4.2) the and press the button to see that it is properly assigned the box does not fill in. The function however, still works in the sim.

Here, if I then remove the ; xxx comment then the button press will fill in the assignment information box.

Really? How odd -- the code for all that is (or was) the same in both versions. I will check here.


Yes, you are right! How very odd. I will investigate this and fix it in the next update. Keep an eye on the announcements above, and thank you for reporting this.



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I will investigate this and fix it in the next update. Keep an eye on the announcements above, and thank you for reporting this.

Fixed in 4.208, now available in the Downloads announcement.

Interestingly, these was a bug in the same line in FSUIPC3 -- but in that case instead of stopping things appearing it allowed just-deleted entries to show up still as assigned. It seems that I tried to correct this in FSUIPC4 and instead changed the bug!

Both are okay now. FSUIPC 3.768 is also available above.

Thanks again,



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