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Getting current airport from FSUIPC

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I am doing some testing on getting information out of FS9 using the FSUIPC module.

I got most of the stuff I need, but I have just one more thing that I need.

Is there a way I can get the active airport the airplane is parked at?

Also the active airport where the airplane is once it lands?

Is there a way to do this? Which would be the HEX code for it?

Thanks much in advance,


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Is there a way I can get the active airport the airplane is parked at?

Also the active airport where the airplane is once it lands?

Is there a way to do this?

No, sorry, neither of these things is possible except by using the Latitude/Longitude position and looking it up in an airport database. Microsoft even forgot to provide such an obviously useful facility in the SimConnect interface for FSX.

If you want a ready-made database, which can be generated from a user's scenery installation, take a look at my freeware MakeRunways utility, downloadable in the Announcements above or on the Schiratti page.

The Latitude/longitudes for an airport are generally some central point within its boundaries. You can't match that directly, only find the nearest.

If you load a flight plan then the source and destination airport details may be available through the GPS information (check offsets 6000-61BF). However, I don't think all that stuff works consistently (I've had conflicting reports). The documentation for those was supplied by another user.



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