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problem with axis card opencockpit

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Hi Pete

As subject...my problem is that one of the five axis of the card work badly, is the acceleration axe, as fs9 as fsupic registered recognizes

the axe, both in joystick calibration of fs9 both in axis assigniment of fsuipc, but when i assign the axe, not work, work only in rudder ailerons and elevator axes .and when i assign the axe type example flaps, in the joystick calibration of fsuipc any values is dysplayed at this axe, and also if i assign one axe on the acceleration, interfere with others.

I wrote an e mail to Manuel of opencockpit and his say that the problem probably is the setting of fsuipc.

With fsx and fsuipc registered any problem, work perfectly.

Please also follow this link


Please help......

Best regards


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my problem is that one of the five axis of the card work badly, is the acceleration axe, as fs9 as fsupic registered recognizes the axe, both in joystick calibration of fs9 both in axis assigniment of fsuipc, but when i assign the axe, not work, work only in rudder ailerons and elevator axes .and when i assign the axe type example flaps, in the joystick calibration of fsuipc any values is dysplayed at this axe, and also if i assign one axe on the acceleration, interfere with others.

Er. Sorry, but I am having great difficulty understanding what you are saying here.

First, tell me what VERSION of FSUIPC you are using, and exactly HOW you are assigning and calibrating the axes.

You say you have 5 axes, and 4 are okay, but 1 is not. In what way is the 5th one not behaving? Please describe the symptoms.

Also, have you checked them all in Windows Game Controllers? do they all work correctly there?

With fsx and fsuipc registered any problem, work perfectly.

Sorry, are you saying you have exactly the same settings in both FSX (with FSUIPC4), and in FS9 (with FSUIPC3), and that it works in FSX but not in FS9?

I need to know VERSION numbers please -- both FSUIPC4 and FSUIPC3. This information is ALWAYS needed. It may also help if you show me your FSUIPC4.INI and FSUIPC.INI files so I can compare your settings. Basically, if both INI files have the same values for the axes they must behave the same -- as the code is so similar. The only difference comes if you assign axes in FSUIPC instead of in FS -- in FSUIPC4 my code uses DirectInput, just like FSX, but in FSUIPC3 I still use the older Windows joystick interface.

If you are assigning the axes in FSUIPC rather than FS itself, please tell me why.



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Ok Pete i try to expalain the problem and also answer your question

First, tell me what VERSION of FSUIPC you are using

The versions are 4.20 for fsx registered and 3.75 for fs9 registered.

and exactly HOW you are assigning and calibrating the axes.

i assign the axes in fs9 or fsx in the flight simulator assigniment and calibrating in joystic calibratation of fsuipc

Please describe the symptoms

the axe that work badly is only the acceleration axe , the others z, x, y and rudder are ok,

if i assign , for example in this axe the flap, fs9 Recognizes this command in the assigniment,

but not work, after if i open fsuipc to calibrate, in the joystick calibration when i turn the

potentiometer in the window 6 of 11 trim spoiler and flaps any value is in IN and OUT if as

no axis had been assigned.

But the strange thing is that if after i open fsuipc in axis assignement, when i turn the potentiometer of flap, in the delta window in IN and OUT the values rise and fall regularly from -16384 to 16383, but any way if i assign also in the axis assignement of fsuipc the flap...not work.

The only axes that works with this command are rudder ailerons and elevator, but some times interfere with other command, example the throttle.

Sorry, are you saying you have exactly the same settings in both FSX (with FSUIPC4), and in FS9 (with FSUIPC3), and that it works in FSX but not in FS9?

Yes is strange but i confirm that in fsx any problem for the axes, work all five regular and in

Each assignment I want without any problem.

Also, have you checked them all in Windows Game Controllers? do they all work correctly there?

Yes the acceleration axe in the joystick calibration of fs9 work correctly



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i assign the axes in fs9 or fsx in the flight simulator assigniment and calibrating in joystic calibratation of fsuipc

Okay, but before doing anything in FSUIPC do you check they work okay in FS? All FSUIPC calibration is doing is providing more accuracy. It cannot put right a chronic problem in the first place.

the axe that work badly is only the acceleration axe , the others z, x, y and rudder are ok

What's an "acceleration" axis? Do you mean throttle?

if i assign , for example in this axe the flap, fs9 Recognizes this command in the assigniment,

but not work, after if i open fsuipc to calibrate, in the joystick calibration when i turn the

potentiometer in the window 6 of 11 trim spoiler and flaps any value is in IN and OUT if as

no axis had been assigned.

Have you checked in FS that the Sensitivity is at max (slider full right) and the Null zone is minimum (slider full left). You need to do that for all axes for best calibration.

The only axes that works with this command are rudder ailerons and elevator, but some times interfere with other command, example the throttle.

Interference between axes is usually a sign of double assignment -- i.e. that you have axes assigned in more than one place, or FS controls assigned to more than one axis. If neither of these applies it is more likely you have a faulty joystick.

Yes the acceleration axe in the joystick calibration of fs9 work correctly

FS doesn't actually have any calibration -- it relies on the Windows Game controllers calibration. But your symptoms, except the interference, sound like the classic case of a minimum setting on the sensitivity slider in FS -- this happens quite a lot in FS9. Check it, and all the others.



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WOW...work very well

Have you checked in FS that the Sensitivity is at max (slider full right) and the Null zone is minimum (slider full left). You need to do that for all axes for best calibration.

thanks very much Pete.......

The problem was this...the Sensitivity of the axes and the null zone.....

Thank you infinitely

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year



P.s. Sorry for my english...is very bad......

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