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FSX-Getting "Flight Replay" Mode to Read FSUIPC Commands

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I´ve encountered these last(!) :D "Flight Replay" Mode problems in my quest to replace all hardware configration in FSX with FSUIPC:

A. POV Hat

The POV Hat pans around the aircraft nicely when in the "Flight Replay" mode and when assigned in FSX Config to "View (Panoramic)" <-- Translation from Spanish.

Logging via FSUIPC v. 4.208 reveals FSX SP1 assigned the POV Hat to the "PAN-VIEW" control with parameters of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, and 315 when the hat is ,and always a "PAN-VIEW" of -1 when it is released.

LOG Example of FSX Using the POV Hat:

6838924 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66416 (0x00010370), Param= 270 (0x0000010e) PAN_VIEW

Now I de-assign the POV Hat in FSX and replicate the exact same assignment in FSUIPC via the "Buttons and Switches" tab (Buttons 32-39), but... Now the POV Hat no longer works!! (but works just fine when not in "Flight Replay" mode!) :shock: (BTW, the POV hat is NOT assigned in the FSUIPC "Axis Assignments" tab.)

B. Camera Selection

Ditto for switching camera views: The "VIEW_CAMERA_SELECT_(n)" works for the "Flight Replay" mode when assigned in FSX but not when assigned from within FSUIPC!

Both camera selection LOG entries are identical:

Via FSX Config:  1245687 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66852 (0x00010524), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VIEW_CAMERA_SELECT_2
Via FSUIPC:      1265344 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66852 (0x00010524), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VIEW_CAMERA_SELECT_2

How can one work and not the other??? :shock:

Again with cameras assigned via FSUIPC switching cameras works fine, provided I´m not in "Flight Replay" mode!)

Any tips most appreciated!



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I´ve encountered these last(!) :D "Flight Replay" Mode problems in my quest to replace all hardware configration in FSX with FSUIPC:


How can one work and not the other??? :shock:

Again with cameras assigned via FSUIPC switching cameras works fine, provided I´m not in "Flight Replay" mode!)

Any tips most appreciated!

I've really no idea. This will be a new problem for FSX . I suspect it's all down to what SimConnect does with the Events when I've sent them. It sounds like it isn't delivering them to all the places which should receive them.

Please could you summarise these findings and send all the details to tell_fs@microsoft.com. I'll also try some experiments to verify your findings and report them direct. Unfortunately these sorts of bugs are very unlikely (i.e. 0% probability) to get fixed before FSXI, but they should be lodged now.

If I can find a way of identifying these modes internally I might try finding alternative ways of sending the events -- like posting them to FS's window as I used to. Unfortuately I can't do that for all modes as some of the stuff then doesn't work (in FSX).

Happy New Year


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