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Hello Pete...

Long Time User of FS (All versions), Here is the jist of it, I have FSX, Level D 767, and lots of other aircraft. I have been using FSUIPC now for a while and enjoy your hard work at developing this wonderfull addon. The problem is two fold, first i have CH VIrtual Pilot Pro, and CH Pro Pedals. Under my FSX MEnu there are no key assigments assigned to ANY joystick buttons, YET pushing buttons on my Yokes causes thing to happen, ie. cycle views ((S) button), flaps up increments (F6). And the real kicker is when I do go to assign say button #1 on my yoke to lets say, Brakes (.) I open up the control assignment window to BRAKES Apply and click add new assignement and when i push that button on the Yoke, NOTHING is being sent to FSX control page. The weird thing is now that I have my level D 67 installed they have there own assignments page for there extra stuff and when i go into it and lets say program any button, It will recognize the joystick buttons and allow the assigments. Its as if FSX control assignments is unable to read my joystick push buttons yet it is listed as CH Virtual Pilot PRo and Ch Pro Pedals in the FSX Assignemtn Menu, I cant even delete the auto assign buttons because they too are not even in the list, yet the yoke still knows what to assign, This is weird. I do have FSUIPC v 4 registered and yet its still all wonky

Please Help


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Under my FSX MEnu there are no key assigments assigned to ANY joystick buttons, YET pushing buttons on my Yokes causes thing to happen, ie. cycle views ((S) button), flaps up increments (F6)

So, they MUST be assigned someplace, unless you have a joystick driver which is converting them into FS commands directly (unlikely).

Have you assigned them in FSUIPC? I assume not or you'd surely say so?

In the FSX control assignments dropdown, did you scroll through all the attached joysticks. Each has its own list of assignments, and its own enable/disable button. not like FS9.

And the real kicker is when I do go to assign say button #1 on my yoke to lets say, Brakes (.) I open up the control assignment window to BRAKES Apply and click add new assignement and when i push that button on the Yoke, NOTHING is being sent to FSX control page.

That seems to indicate even more that you are looking at the wrong list for that joystick.

I do have FSUIPC v 4 registered and yet its still all wonky

FSUIPC4 doesn't do anything about wonky assignments in FS. You have to sort that out yourself, or simply stop FSX reading anything and do it all in FSUIPC.



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MY GOD YOUR A GENIUS, IT WAS SELECTED TO CH PRO PEDALS AND NOT CH VIRTUAL PILOT PRO (DUUHHHHHHH ON MY PART), I appreciate your very speedy response and next time im in Burton-On-Trent or in the area (i do have family there you know) I owe you many-a-pint!



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