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Registering WideFS within FSUIPC

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I am unable to register the WideFS and I believe I know why. My registered copy of FSUIPC has an earlier obsolete email and the WideFS has my current email (this was unavoidable), is there a way to change the older email to get this registered?

You are in the wrong forum. The links in all my software and documentation, and even on the main download site at http://www.schiratti.com, point to "Pete Dowson's FS Modules" forum, not very far from here.

Please use that next time. Meanwhile, since I'm here, there are two ways to sort this out. The official way is by raising a "problem ticket" with SimMarket, explaining the problem. That's usually quite quick. The other way is to send me both the FSUIPC and the WideFS registration receipts/details and tell me exactly which you want updated. ZIP them and send to petedowson@btconnect.com. It being Saturday evening I'm clocking off till late tomorrow morning, so you won't get an immediate reply I'm afraid.



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