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Dodosim Jumping Collective Problem

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Hi Peter,

I have installed the Dodosim Advanced 206 Jetranger sim and am experiencing a problem with the collective axis which is assigned to the Z axis in FS9. No other FS9 assignments use this axis. I have the latest Saitek throttle, stick and pedals.

I have set the sensitivity and null zone to the correct values as per Dodosim's instructions and checked in my Saitek X52 Pro Calibration screen that all is OK with regard to range of movement.

On starting the simulator I am unable to control the collective. The lever starts jumping up and down when I attempt to pull collective and the torque gauge fluctuates wildly.

Obviously something else is attempting to overide my control inputs. As a troubleshooting measure I removed my FSUIPC.dll file from the Modules folder and restarted FS9. The problem disappeared.

I have checked the Axis page in FSUIPC 3.743 (registered) and can find nothing assigned to any axis. Also under the joystick calibration screen all axis are unassigned. Not too sure how to proceed from here.

I did try to use only the FSUIPC setup for the collective by deleting the FS9 assignment but that did not work too well as my throttle lever (collective) needed to use a third of its travel before the collective actually moved. The calibration screen, with the reverse box ticked, showed the OUT value at zero until the IN value beginning at minus 16,000 reached about plus 300 as I moved the throttle up. I could not find a way to change this.

I am happy to continue using the FS9 only setup but would like to be able to put FSUIPC back in the Modules folder but without it causing the control conflict problem.

Many thanks in advance,


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Obviously something else is attempting to overide my control inputs. As a troubleshooting measure I removed my FSUIPC.dll file from the Modules folder and restarted FS9. The problem disappeared.

You didn't need to do that. Just delete or rename your FSUIPC.INI file. That's where all yuor assignments and calibrations are saved.

I have checked the Axis page in FSUIPC 3.743 (registered) and can find nothing assigned to any axis. Also under the joystick calibration screen all axis are unassigned. Not too sure how to proceed from here.

If FSUIPC is doing anything it is only because you, or another program, is asking it to. First try removing the INI file before loading FS9. If that fixes it then it is obviously something you've set there. If it doesn't then we'll need to look for other programs or gauges or DLLs using FSUIPC.

I did try to use only the FSUIPC setup for the collective by deleting the FS9 assignment but that did not work too well as my throttle lever (collective) needed to use a third of its travel before the collective actually moved. The calibration screen, with the reverse box ticked, showed the OUT value at zero until the IN value beginning at minus 16,000 reached about plus 300 as I moved the throttle up. I could not find a way to change this.

In that case you have evidently not tried to calibrate it at all! There are very simple step-by-step instructions provided in the user guide. Please follow those.


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Thank you Peter for the prompt reply. I know that dodosim incorporates its advanced features via a gauge file. I will do as you suggest and bone up on the calibration within FSUIPC and the ini file moves as well.

I am away for 2 weeks so will do this on my return.



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