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Just want to mention to those with the new Saitek Yoke, the throttle - at least I can't - get it to work with Airbus PIC series, and there are some Forum mentionings of 'disconnect fsuipc'.

BUT, then I just attached my old MS Sidewinder Joystick, and the little Throttle lever of that one Does Work / doesnt interfere with Autothrottle getting stuck, or doing nothing or the wrong thing.

So now I have FSuipc 'aircraft specific' for the Airbus and switch to my Joystick and use that throttle lever for Airbus indents, and still was able to define a Yoke lever with 2 ranges for Throttle Cut and Reverse, and thats what I pull when touchdown .. tada

So appearantly Feelthere Airbus must heve been tested with MS default throttle definition, but the Saitek Yoke does something different .. alas.

to save you folks a lot of trial and error (what I did), mt


Just want to mention to those with the new Saitek Yoke, the throttle - at least I can't - get it to work with Airbus PIC series, and there are some Forum mentionings of 'disconnect fsuipc'.

Thanks for the information, but I'm fairly sure this sort of thing has been discussed and resolved before now. Doesn#t it relate to jitter affecting the Fly-by-Wire in the Airbus?

You don't mention whether you are using FS9 or FSX, but either way it might be worth your while trying the latest FSUIPC version as appropriate. See the FSX Downloads or Other Downloads Announcements above.



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