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TSR Electronic Checklist + WIDECLIENT 6.758

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Hi Pete,

I have installed "TSR Electronic Checklist" on my PM GC ND Client. On the same client I am running PM RCDU connected to an Engravity CDU via COM Port 4.

Using WIDECLIENT 6.758 everything works fine, WideFS Log looks like this:

********* WideClient Log [version 6.758] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 13/02/08, Time 10:08:20.015: Client name is FO

94 New Client Application: "RCDU" (Id=3388)

109 Attempting to connect now

156 New Client Application: "pfd" (Id=480)

15688 Server = SIM

15688 Trying TCP/IP host "SIM" port 8002 ...

15688Okay, IP Address =

15688 Connection made okay!

15703 Okay, registered hotkeys for use with TSR checklist

27313 New Client Application: "Electronic-Checklist" (Id=2708)

The one and only problem is, the checklist is properly displayed in my ND but the program does not react (on the RCDU) to PREV PAGE, NEXT PAGE, EXEC, CLR or DEL as described.

Is Engravity supported by WIDECLIENT 6.758 ???

This is my WideClient.ini:

; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details

; =====================================================




















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; ===============================================

Thanks a lot, appreciate your help!

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The one and only problem is, the checklist is properly displayed in my ND but the program does not react (on the RCDU) to PREV PAGE, NEXT PAGE, EXEC, CLR or DEL as described.


Is Engravity supported by WIDECLIENT 6.758 ?

I've no idea. Sorry Let me explain.

According to the PM CDU / RCDU documentation, the CDU keys used fir those functions are the actual Keyboard Codes as follows:

Page Up == PREV PAGE

Page Down == NEXT PAGE

Return/Enter = EXEC

Delete = DEL

Backspace = CLR

The change in WideClient for the Checklist was specifically to "hot key" those keys. i.e. intercept the Page Up, Page Down, Delete, Backspace and Enter keys, and, if the Checklist is being displayed, to instead manipulate bits in its control offsets in FSUIPC so that it did its job.

If the Checklist is not shown, the keys are instead used to manipulate the CDU or RCDU program according to its FSUIPC offsets. The only exception is that if the Backspace key is seen within half a second of the Delete key, or vice versa, the "show Checklist" command is sent to the Checklist's offset.

Now the only hardware CDU I have access to is the PFC one, which is basically a little PC with the CDU Keys being its keyboard and the little screen being its video screen. I perhaps mistakenly (?) assumed other hardware implementations would be similar in nature. Is the one you use different?

If it is merely a matter of Hot-Keying different keys that is easy to do.

Let me know.


Aaarrrggghhh! I've only just noticed this part of your message. Sorry:

On the same client I am running PM RCDU connected to an Engravity CDU via COM Port 4.

How on Earth does it work via a COM port? Is the RCDU program directly controlling the screen and the keypad? How do you get the Checklist showing there?

If the keyboard sends signals direct to the RCDU program, I don't know how to intercept them and use them I'm afraid. If this is how such hardware CDUs are implemented I think the only solution will be to ask Enrico for a facility in the CDU/RCDU program to do the same as WideClient when the Checklist is loaded too.


Oh, I must learn to read these messages more carefully. NOW I notice this:

the checklist is properly displayed in my ND


The facility in WideClient is designed to allow the Checklist to be used on the CDU, not the ND. If the CDU is displaying its own details, there's no way I would want to steal any of its keys to drive an ND display in any case. That would be totally wrong.

If you are using the ND for the checklist I would say you should be using buttons or switches on your main instrument panel to drive it -- you can program them to operate the Checklist offsets directly, using the appropriate FSUIPC Offset controls as Thomas has documented.



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Hello Pete,

there has been a wrong assumption from my side!

I thought, that it is possible to show the checklist on the PM ND in my Cocpkit, controlling it via the RCDU Keys of my Engravity Hardware, and that's not possible!

Your development was to run the program on a CDU with a Windows based Screen completely.




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