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Hi Pete,

once again I need some help :lol:

I tried to read offset c024 with 4 bytes to get the timestamp of the "AtAircraft"-weatherblock as I have read in the step by step tutorial of the new weather interface.

However every offset I try to read ín the C000 and above area always returns 0.

I can read other offsets (speed, heading altitude etc.) without any problem...

Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards



However every offset I try to read ín the C000 and above area always returns 0.

I can read other offsets (speed, heading altitude etc.) without any problem...

Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

No, sorry. I can't actually see what you are doing from here.

Why not enable the IPC Read logging (see Logging options page), then look at the Log? Show me it if you like.

You can also check all this stuff using FSInterrogate, provided in the SDK just for such purposes.




Hi Pete,

thanks for this really fast answers... but now I have to say sorry... next I read the forum before posting the question (okay, I actually did... but obviously not enough :? )

I think I found the solution in another posting... the problem seems the &h in VB6... this makes a negative value if the input is too high...

Thanks anyway... will try it out now!



thanks for this really fast answers... but now I have to say sorry... next I read the forum before posting the question (okay, I actually did... but obviously not enough :? )

No need to say sorryyou did nothing wrong. I wasn't criticising, just pointing out the obvious, that I can't help with no information.

I think I found the solution in another posting... the problem seems the &h in VB6... this makes a negative value if the input is too high...

Oh, you use VB. Ugh. That has lots of number problems to catch the unwary. The IPC logging facility would have immediately shown you that your C024 gets converted by the daft VB compiler into FFFFC024 which is masked (by option bits in FSUIPC) to something like 1FC024. Certainly not what you want.

I think you can tell the compiler NOT to do sign extension by adding another & at the end. I know folks have tried &h0000C024, but it still replaces the 0000 by FFFF. Daft!



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