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Blinking Clients

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I have currently have a server and 2 clients. The server runs fsx; the clients provide side views via WideView (IPX). Another pc generates the weather via AS and WideFS. I have noticed that the clients systematically "blink" in the upper 1/8 of the screen. I have changed the WideFS protocals as well as the WideView protocal. Luciano suggested that I contact you regarding WideFS. I can eliminate the blinking when I disable the weather option in WideView. This does not occur when I use the fsx weather themes. There is something about updating the weather that appears to cause the problem. I have also experimented with graphics card settings to no avail. I have the latest versions of WideFS and WideView and fsuipc. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks,


P.S. All OSes are XP--

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WideFS is on a separate client running AS. It does not blink. It is the clients with the outside views (and the server) that blinks periodically and during weather updates. Luciano suggested that it might be a WideFS issue rather than WideView. Also, the same setup in fs9 (with the appropriate fsuipc, WideFS, and WideView) works perfectly. I appreciate your help,


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It is the clients with the outside views (and the server) that blinks periodically and during weather updates. Luciano suggested that it might be a WideFS issue rather than WideView.

Sorry, there's no way WideFS or FSUIPC can directly affect the top quarter of your screen, or any other part come to that. Are you sue it isn't a video driver problem?

None of my software inter-relate to any graphics on screen whatsoever.

Note that if you are using FSX with ASX, WideFS and FSUIPC are not involved in any case. ASX is a SimConnect program. If you are still using ASV6 with FSX I think you need to update.



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