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FSUIPC help Mr. Dowson....

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Mr. Dowson,

I have been having some trouble with FSUIPC and I really don't know what else to do.

1. I tried to get into SB3 lastnight and it would not start saying that it couldn't because of the FSUIPC. I went to your site and go the lastest one and put it on there, but then my PMDG 747 box came up saying that "your FSUIPC is too old". I am even a registered member with FSUIPC.

I deleted all but acouple copies of FSUIPC in the modules folder. There were one or two that would not let me delete. I don't know what else to do...can you please help me:). Thanks


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1. I tried to get into SB3 lastnight and it would not start saying that it couldn't because of the FSUIPC. I went to your site and go the lastest one and put it on there, but then my PMDG 747 box came up saying that "your FSUIPC is too old". I am even a registered member with FSUIPC.

Evidently you changed something, then. What?

I deleted all but acouple copies of FSUIPC in the modules folder.

Multiple copies of FSUIPC? That isn't possible in any case. And it is most certainly not a good idea to go deleting things without knowing what you are doing. Why delete things in any case? You can only mess things up, not fix anything.

There were one or two that would not let me delete.

FSUIPC itself is only ONE file, it is "FSUIPC.DLL". That is it. Nothing else. Everything it does is in there.

If you are registered there is then also a KEY file (FSUIPC.KEY), which contains your registration.

Once you have run FS, there is an FSUIPC.INI file, which contains your settings, and a Log file, FSUIPC.LOG which is created each time you run FS and which tells you what is happening.

This last is the important one. Always look inside it when you have a problem so you can see what you have done wrong.

It sounds to me as if either your registration Key is invalid, or your system date is set earlier than the date of your registration. Alternatively, the DLL codesigning might not be valid -- there's a section in the User Guide telling you how to deal with that, as well as Announcements above.

If you cannot spot your error, run FS, close it. Wait till it is closed. Then find the FSUIPC.LOG file in the modules folder and paste it here.



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There was a battery that got replaced in my computer and when i plugged everything back in lastnight i did notice that the date and time were WAY off. I am not very computer savvy (obviously), but in the steps you told me about when you would recommend buying a new key if at all? How would I "unregister" it so I could put the new keys in?



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There was a battery that got replaced in my computer and when i plugged everything back in lastnight i did notice that the date and time were WAY off. I am not very computer savvy (obviously), but in the steps you told me about when you would recommend buying a new key if at all?

No. Just put today's date and time into the PC and your existing registration will work fine. It just won't work if your system date precedes the date of purchase, because it then looks like an illegal key.

If you've deleted your Key file whilst messing around you will need to either restore it from the backup you made (as advised in the User Guide), or re-register using the exact same details as you did originally.



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Okay, I have done a little reading. I am going to go home this evening and make sure the signature is valid. If that doesn't work I will just reregister. It is hard to say which files are gone, so I might just have to start over. Just to confirm. When I reregister, I won't need to buy it again correct. It sounds like I take the "old" .DLL out and put the new one in, check the signature, and validate it will my password? Of course reset the time to current. Thanks

Oh yes...one more thing...my PMDG 747 is stating "FSUIPC is too old" and then FS9 shuts down. This just started happening too and figured it is all tied in together? I have been on the forums and they all say ask you.


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When I reregister, I won't need to buy it again correct.

Correct. just enter the same Name, Email and Key, exactly as before.

It sounds like I take the "old" .DLL out and put the new one in

Since any folder cannot ever have two files with the same name, you don't even have to do that. You just put the latest DLL into the modules folder, and confirm when (if) it asks you if you really want to replace the one that is there.

Oh yes...one more thing...my PMDG 747 is stating "FSUIPC is too old" and then FS9 shuts down. This just started happening too and figured it is all tied in together?

Yes. You mentioned that already and I answered.

All this hassle sounds like it is just because you changed your motherboard battery and forgot to restore the correct date!


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