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Altitude alert

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Every default FS9 Jet/TurboProp, Every add-on jet, Project Magenta, ALL have and altitude alert either by an indicator on the MIP or a sound. Why isn't there an offset for this important function.

Most all FSUIPC offsets provide or manipulate DATA, not FUNCTIONS. Functions are actions performed by software, such as gauges, PM, whatever. Tell me what DATA it is you are concerned about. If it is the AAMSL or AGL or Pressure Altitude, then all those are available of course.


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Whenever you get to with-in 800-1000 foot of your selected AP altitude, you get an aural and visual alert. I have both in my cockpit that i want to activate but have been unsucessful. I'm surprised it hasn't been touched on by others. I posted in several forums asking how others made theirs work but got no response.



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Whenever you get to with-in 800-1000 foot of your selected AP altitude, you get an aural and visual alert. I have both in my cockpit that i want to activate but have been unsucessful.

It is based on the altimeter reading (not the true altitude) and the MCP altitude setting. It isn't a flag or a function of FS internals as such, but something operated by the gauge -- in this case the A/P or MCP (or of course PM for its external A/P).

You have to compute it comparing the altimeter reading (offset 3324) with the AP altitude (offset 07D4, or, easier, the 16-bit integer value in the high part, 07D6.

Note that 3324 gives feet or metres -- you'd need to check and covert appropriately. 07D6 (16-bit) gives metres.



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