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My FSX isnt saving any of my buttons I program to my saitek yoke or double throttle quad, in FSX, reverts back to original.

I remove keystrokes and it puts them back, same with the rudder pedals.

I haven't installed any drivers for saitek but xp did find some.

Any advice guys??? could fsucpi help me out of this ???




My FSX isnt saving any of my buttons I program to my saitek yoke or double throttle quad, in FSX, reverts back to original.

I remove keystrokes and it puts them back, same with the rudder pedals.

It sounds like FSX isn't terminating correctly -- it only saves config changes when it closes, so if it crashes out instead you don't get its CFG files updated.

Does this happen with other options in its menus too? If so then that's confirmation -- something you've added is not allowing FSX to terminate correctly. After you close it, look in the Process list in task manager (Ctr_Alt_Del) for FSX.EXE. If it is still there after a number of seconds, it isn't terminating correctly.




thanks for your reply peter.

Yeah the page file in windows is around 2.2gb, and my 4gig of mem, which xp reads as 3gig, has 95000 left. So when it closes it takes a while for it to finish, I do have the following addons, PMDG747, Radar contact, mytraffic x, Your program+fswide reged , and FSmeteo. FSX is a mem hog, and uses huge resources.

Is there anything I can do to resolve the problem??? Its really a pain resetting these buttons/switches everytime, it doesnt reset anything else the scenery, traffic etc all stay as they were, so does all the control surfaces, weird hey!! Its such a shame, FSX is so good when it works well, but when its bad its bad.

any advice is welcome. :?


Yeah the page file in windows is around 2.2gb, and my 4gig of mem, which xp reads as 3gig, has 95000 left. So when it closes it takes a while for it to finish, I do have the following addons, PMDG747, Radar contact, mytraffic x, Your program+fswide reged , and FSmeteo. FSX is a mem hog, and uses huge resources.

Nevertheless, the parameter files (configs) should still be saved.

Is there anything I can do to resolve the problem???

If FSX really isn't terminating correctly, albeit after many seconds, you need to find out which it stopping it. it will be a Gauge or DLL, not any external EXE. You'll need to go through a process of elimination.

First, eliminate the possibility that it is one of the gauges in one of the aircraft you are using. Assuming your default flight loads a default aircraft (if it doesn't you'll need to change that), have a session where you only use default aircraft, no add-on ones. See if your button settings are saved okay. If so, it is one of your asircraft causing the problem.

Then, assuming you don't find it that way, list the DLLs which are being loaded -- the DLL.XML file controls those (in the same folder as your FSX.CFG file). Disable one at a time until you find the culprit. If I were you, to make this easier, download the DBS FS Startup Editor (see http://www.dbsim.com/). That makes this part much easier!



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