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Module Questions

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I have Combat Flight Sim, Flight Sim 2004, and Flight Sim X installed on my system. I have already purchaced the module for 2004 and updated it. Do I now have to also buy the fsuipc for flight sim x as well??? Since wide view is part of fsuipc for flight sim X it is also a part of the update for flight sim 2004. I love the module but I am on a fixed income and cannot keep up with all the modules for my games, if I have to buy a new one for each game.

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I have Combat Flight Sim, Flight Sim 2004, and Flight Sim X installed on my system. I have already purchaced the module for 2004 and updated it. Do I now have to also buy the fsuipc for flight sim x as well?

Yes. Whilst I managed to make FSUIPC3 compatible all the way from FS98 to FS2004, I'm afraid FSX needed a complete re-write. That's why there are two current ersions, sold separately.

?? Since wide view is part of fsuipc for flight sim X it is also a part of the update for flight sim 2004.

No, WidevieW is by Luciano Napolitano, and is a completely separate program. You may be thinking of WideFS, and the Server for FSX is in no way an update for FS2004. Only the WideClient program, running on your client PCs, is the same -- it wouldn't be very helpful otherwise!

I love the module but I am on a fixed income and cannot keep up with all the modules for my games, if I have to buy a new one for each game.

How do you afford all the "games" then? Anyway, in the case of FSUIPC/WideFS and FS, there is only the two versions for all 10 years of FS development since FS98, so it isn't "each game" at all.


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I didnt afford the games they were purchaced for me when my friends and wife realized my flight sim time was my only window into the world outside of my wheelchair. My family set it up for me because my MS and Parkinsons have effected my mind and ability to do the things I took for granted. While this may be a joke to you to me it is my sanity, this is not all fun and games to all of us.

thank you for your module and I am sorry I have trouble understanding all of this, but thats what MS does

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While this may be a joke to you to me it is my sanity

No it is no joke. I am sorry for your suffering, but your appeals for charity are not best worded as a complaint against folks who may not be so unfortunate but who work damned hard for a living. You came across as one who thinks software doesn't cost anything to make and should therefore be free. I apologise for that misunderstanding.



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I, from a wheelchair, facilitate the only Hepatitis C support group in our area, volunteer my time at the local food bank, I build computers for the poor, and all this for charity. I did not understand the makeup of this program or its parts. I have not now or will I ever ask for charity, clarity but not charity.

My ability to form sentences and make my thoughts clear have been altered. I have worked my entire life and know nothing is free. When the US government says you must exist on 400.00 a month for a family of 4 you must be very careful how you spend. Now that I better understand the workings of the program, I still plan on buying all the modules it will just take me a little more time than the normal person.

Please remember my life is spent trying to improve the quality of the lives of others. I am sorry I did not explain myself better.

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