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Hi, I have a registered FSUIPC and have been using it trouble-free for quite a while under FSX. Yesterday I got my second computer and purchased the WideFS7, I have read through the manual and set everything up accordingly but I am still unable to make it works.

When I running FSX in main computer and open the WideClient.exe in my second computer I can see the status "connected" appear in the window title. But all the add-on utilities I installed in second computer still receive no data from the main computer. I have tried the following utilities:

1. ActiveSky X

2. FSmap

3. FlightSim Commander 8

4. Jeppesen SimCharts 4

Here is my WideClient log, I am not sure whether they indicate any connection problem at all:

********* WideClient Log [version 6.763] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 04/05/08, Time 16:37:23.722: Client name is GALT-PC

203 Attempting to connect now

921 Server = JUNIUS-PC

936 Trying TCP/IP host "JUNIUS-PC" port 8002 ...

936Okay, IP Address =

936 Connection made okay!

1077 Connection closed by server!

1077 Attempting to connect now

1077 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

5928 Server = JUNIUS-PC

5928 Trying TCP/IP host "JUNIUS-PC" port 8002 ...

5928Okay, IP Address =

5928 Connection made okay!

100278 Received shutdown offset code = ADBC

100278 FS closing down (param=ADBC), disconnecting

100278 ********* Interim performance summary *********

100278 Total time connected so far = 94 seconds

100278 Reception maximum so far: 29 frames/sec, 701 bytes/sec

100278 Reception average whilst connected so far: 12 frames/sec, 355 bytes/sec

100278 Transmission maximum so far: 0 frames/sec, 21 bytes/sec

100278 Transmission average whilst connected so far: 0 frames/sec, 20 bytes/sec

100278 Max receive buffer = 567, Max send depth = 1, Send frames lost = 0

100278 ***********************************************

100371 Received shutdown offset code = ADBC

101650 ****** End of session performance summary ******

101650 Total time connected = 94 seconds

101650 Reception maximum: 29 frames/sec, 701 bytes/sec

101650 Reception average whilst connected: 12 frames/sec, 355 bytes/sec

101650 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 21 bytes/sec

101650 Transmission average whilst connected: 0 frames/sec, 20 bytes/sec

101650 Max receive buffer = 567, Max send depth = 1, Send frames lost = 0

101650 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 2, Alloc 1252 Freed 1252 Refused 0) *********

My main computer is running under Vista Ultimate 64-bit while the second one is Vista Ultimate 32-bit, not sure whether this is the cause of problem.


Here is my WideServer log:

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 7.28] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 04/05/08, Time 16:20:43.758: Server name is JUNIUS-PC

15943 Initialising TCP/IP server

15943 Initialising IPX/SPX server

15943 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10044] Socket type not supported

15943 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

15943 Initialising UDP/IP server

16115 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

17659 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=8712) TCP

17722 Connected to computer "GALT-PC" running WideClient version 6.763 (skt=8712) TCP

185236 Error 10053: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=8712) TCP

199401 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=6972) TCP

199479 Connected to computer "GALT-PC" running WideClient version 6.763 (skt=6972) TCP

220913 Error 10053: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=6972) TCP

250553 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=6944) TCP

250787 Connected to computer "GALT-PC" running WideClient version 6.763 (skt=6944) TCP

256871 Error 10053: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=6944) TCP

649697 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=7392) TCP

649775 Connected to computer "GALT-PC" running WideClient version 6.763 (skt=7392) TCP

684954 Error 10053: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=7392) TCP

761691 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=7440) TCP

761737 Connected to computer "GALT-PC" running WideClient version 6.763 (skt=7440) TCP

873964 Restarting service due to zero reception!

873964 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

884682 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=8408) TCP

884729 Connected to computer "GALT-PC" running WideClient version 6.763 (skt=8408) TCP

996066 Error 10053: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=8408) TCP

1005692 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=8740) TCP

1005816 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

1010684 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=7396) TCP

1010902 Connected to computer "GALT-PC" running WideClient version 6.763 (skt=7396) TCP

1110524 Close signalled to clients

1111616 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 560 alloc, 559 free

Read buffer usage: 240 alloc, 240 free, max in session: 1

Write buffer usage: 11329 alloc, 11329 free, max in session: 1

Throughput maximum achieved: 29 frames/sec, 863 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 4 frames/sec, 134 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "GALT-PC": 0 frames/sec, 16 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********




May be a stupid question, but you did open up the firewall (TCP port 8002) on both machines, correct? Whether it's MS's built-in Windows firewall or a third-party firewall, this action must be performed. If that later, I highly suggest you get rid of any third-party software-firewalls on both machines as they can affect the performance of the WideFS & Simconnect, without any visiable errors.

I've been using a very similar setup for years, including the FSX versions. Jim's reply above is correct (he is HiFiSim support from their forum), and you must read and understand that ActiveSky-X now uses the remote Simconnect functionality found in the FSX-Deluxe SDK and the associated SDK patches. Read the "Networking" section of the ASX manual and/or visit the HiFiSim forum for assistance with this one. I can help you over there as well. FWIW, I use FS-Commander X v8.3, AI-Smooth, and Radar Contact on a WideFS/Wideclient and they still work perfectly.



Well I have disabled all the firewall, user account controls, and windows defender protections on both machines. I even tried to disabled the firewall inside the router, but I still can't get WideFS works on my add-ons.

Thanks for let me konw about ASX. The FSMAP addon I have stated in the manual that it can link with client PC directly through WideFS but I never work that out. It just seems to me that something is not working in my network connection.



Does FSMAP work with FSX? You have a connection, but nothing is running on your client that needs FSUIPC, so the connection shuts down.

Also, make sure your network name is exactly the same on both machines.


Does FSMAP work with FSX? You have a connection, but nothing is running on your client that needs FSUIPC, so the connection shuts down.

Also, make sure your network name is exactly the same on both machines.

Wow so I need to make both computers have the same network name? The WideFS manual didn't mention it.

I just tried changed both computers to the same network name but still can't work, this time the connection didn't even establish. It seems like if I use different network name I can see the status "connected" appear in my WideClient.exe window title (still can't make add-ons work though) but if I change them to the same network name the connection simple won't establish.

Here is my WideServer log file:

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 7.28] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 08/05/08, Time 05:31:01.866: Server name is JUNIUS-PC

15132 Initialising TCP/IP server

15132 Initialising IPX/SPX server

15132 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10044] Socket type not supported

15132 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

15132 Initialising UDP/IP server

16099 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

120292 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 164 alloc, 163 free

Read buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

Write buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

Throughput maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********

And my WideClient.log:

********* WideClient Log [version 6.763] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 08/05/08, Time 05:32:19.083: Client name is JUNIUS-PC

234 Attempting to connect now

1232 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

1232 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

3244 Attempting to connect now

5943 ****** End of session performance summary ******

5943 Total time connected = 0 seconds

5943 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

5943 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

5943 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

5943 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay -- as announced here, I have been on holiday.

When I running FSX in main computer and open the WideClient.exe in my second computer I can see the status "connected" appear in the window title. But all the add-on utilities I installed in second computer still receive no data from the main computer. I have tried the following utilities:

1. ActiveSky X

2. FSmap

3. FlightSim Commander 8

4. Jeppesen SimCharts 4

Of those I know FS commander can work on a Wide client PC, but I expect it still needs direct access to your scenery folders etc on the Server, for its data base etc. Maybe there's a user group providing help with that?

ASX certainly doesn't use WideFS at all.

I don't know about the others I'm afraid.

Here is my WideClient log, I am not sure whether they indicate any connection problem at all

No, both your Server and Client logs show all is well. There are just no programs asking them for information, that's all.

In later messages you say:

The FSMAP addon I have stated in the manual that it can link with client PC directly through WideFS but I never work that out.

I suspect the FS9 version uses WideFS, but possibly the FSX version is using SimConnect, like ASX?

and ...

Wow so I need to make both computers have the same network name? The WideFS manual didn't mention it.

If you mean WorkGroup name, it isn't strictly necessary, but it makes life a lot easier as two computers in the same workgroup share things better and receive broadcasts from each other -- making WideFs parameter free to install and run. I see you got around the failure to broadcast by specifying the Server name in the Client, which would otherwise be unnecessary.

There was nothing wrong in your first logs, only the lack of any program trying to use it. I suspect that only FSC uses FSUIPC and that you need to do some other configuring in FSC first -- as I said, it probably needs pointing to certain folders on your Server.



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