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Problems with replay flag and COM frequencies FSUIPC 3,81

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I am currently writing an instructor software for my student association's simulator.

(C langage, FSUIPC registered, FSUIPC link opened and working, FS version: 9.1)

I'd like to make a replay control box.

The thing is that I cannot set a value in the replay flag (offset 0628).

I tryed several solution, but everytime I test the software, the simulator is paused.

the code is:

int SetReplayMode(Uint32 valeur)
	DWORD dwResult;
	FSUIPC_Write(0x0628, 4, &valeur, &dwResult);
	return 1;

int SetReplayTime(Uint32 valeur)
	DWORD dwResult;
	FSUIPC_Write(0x062C, 4, &valeur, &dwResult);
	return 1;

These functions are called in this order:


That is my first problem. The second is that I tried to get the COM and NAV frequencies. I read that I am supposed to get, for example 1825 if the frequency is 118.25.

I get:

COM1: 8853 (so 188.53 instead of 122.95) - offset 034E

COM2: 6544 (so 165.44 instead of 119.90) - offset 3118

NAV1: 4144 (so 141.44 instead of 110.30) - offset 0350

NAV2: 5760 (so 157.60 instead of 116.80) - offset 0352

the code is:

Uint16 GetCOM1()			//034E
	DWORD dwResult;
	Uint16 valeur;
	FSUIPC_Read(0x034E, 2, &valeur, &dwResult);
	return valeur;

(it is the same code for COM2, NAV1 and NAV2, with the corresponding offsets)

I hope you're able to help me!

Thanks anyway for FSUIPC, this is really the best FS add-on !

Stéphane - dPm

President of IPSAFlight association

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The thing is that I cannot set a value in the replay flag (offset 0628).

This is not something I've ever used. Have you tried operating this though FSInterrogate? If it very useful to see things through that program before actually constructing code. Maybe pause needs releasing?

One thing in your code I notice which is inefficient (though it shouldn't matter in this case) is having a separate Process call for each Write. It would be better to do both writes then the Process.

I tryed several solution, but everytime I test the software, the simulator is paused.

Have you tried enabling the FSUIPC Logging to see what is happening? IPC read and write logging, plus maybe Event logging.

That is my first problem. The second is that I tried to get the COM and NAV frequencies. I read that I am supposed to get, for example 1825 if the frequency is 118.25.

I get:

COM1: 8853 (so 188.53 instead of 122.95) - offset 034E

COM2: 6544 (so 165.44 instead of 119.90) - offset 3118

NAV1: 4144 (so 141.44 instead of 110.30) - offset 0350

NAV2: 5760 (so 157.60 instead of 116.80) - offset 0352

You misread the documentation? You are interpreting the values incorrectly. They are in BCD (binary coded decimal) -- that is each decimal digit, 0-9, is in its own 4 bits. Express the values above in hexadecimal and you will see immediately that they are correct:

8853 = 0x2295

6544 = 0x1990

4144 = 0x1030

5760 = 0x1680

Please do try using the tools provided. Both the Logging in FSUIPC and FSInterrogate would have shown you your error immediately.



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