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WideFS and Matlab

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For laboratory work, I need to simulate an helicopter on a computer with Simulink and Flight Simulator is running on another one.

I have a local network between that two computers. On Simulink I use the FS Interface box from AeroSim Toolset. When I simulate the helicopter on matlab and flight simulator running on the same computer, everything's ok. I can control my helicopter on Flight Simulator thank's to MatLab model. The problem is MatLab and Flight Simulator X running need a very powerfull computer.

So I want to send the data from my MatLab model to Flight SImulator running on another computer.

So I have FSUIPC 4 and WideFS 7 installed, registered.

The problem is the connection is successfull, WideFS client say the connection is ok, WideFS server say a client is connected but... Nothing happen! It's as the data from MatLab is not send to Flight Simulator X... But it is, because when there is no Flight Simulator running, MatLab can't run the simulation because he need to find Flight Simulator running...

Do you know what I can do?

I hoppe you understand me, I'm french and it's not so easy to exlpain in english...

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So I want to send the data from my MatLab model to Flight SImulator running on another computer.

So I have FSUIPC 4 and WideFS 7 installed, registered.

The problem is the connection is successfull, WideFS client say the connection is ok, WideFS server say a client is connected but... Nothing happen! It's as the data from MatLab is not send to Flight Simulator X.

I'm sorry, but I don't know any of these programs -- "MatLab", "Simulink" or the "FS Interface box from AeroSim Toolset" at all. Is any one of these actually an FSUIPC application at all? What software is it which actually talks to FS? Maybe, if they are designed for FSX they use SimConnect?

If whatever it is which connects to FS doesn't use FSUIPC then it cannot link via WideFS because all WideFS does is provide a Networked FSUIPC interface.


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MatLab and Simulink are developping programs, in Simulink you use some blocks to develop programms. One of this block, "FS Interface box from AeroSim Toolset" allow you to send information to Flight Simulator by using FSUIPC. So if Simulink is running on the same computer than Flight Simulator X, everything's ok. But I want to have a LAN for my simulation, one computer with Simulink and another one with Flight Simulator.

So I installed Flight Simulator X with FSUIPC and WideFS server on a computer, WideFS client detect the server, the server detect the client but nothing more happened.

On the client the windows is grey, nothing more, is it normal? Just at the top it's right "connected", nothing more.

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"FS Interface box from AeroSim Toolset" allow you to send information to Flight Simulator by using FSUIPC.

Can we try to get this part clarified first, please? Is this "interface box" is a piece of software? It sounds like a piece of hardware. Does this commercial company, "Aerosim", think it has a license to use FSUIPC for its commercial products?

I've looked at Aerosim's website and I can find no mention of any "FS Interface Box", nor that they use FSUIPC. I have no record of any company by that name ever approaching me for a license.

So if Simulink is running on the same computer than Flight Simulator X, everything's ok. But I want to have a LAN for my simulation, one computer with Simulink and another one with Flight Simulator.

So I installed Flight Simulator X with FSUIPC and WideFS server on a computer,

And then where is this "Aerosim FS Interface Box"?

WideFS client detect the server, the server detect the client but nothing more happened.

Either you haven't installed whatever it is which interfaces to FSUIPC on the client, or it doesn't use FSUIPC after all. I suspect the latter. Can you give me any more information?

On the client the windows is grey, nothing more, is it normal? Just at the top it's right "connected", nothing more.

The Wideclient window isn't used for much, unless you use the button facility it provides (designed for touch-sensitive screens). Normally you minimise Wideclient or set it invisible. It is only the interface, across the Network, to FSUIPC. You need a program which talks to FSUIPC for it to do anything, of course. It sounds like you either haven't got anything using FSUIPC, or you simply have not run it!



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