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Fuel selector / valve with saitek mix lever reverse button

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I'm trying to get all fuel tank valves to off when I press my mixture lever into the back button position and have the valves go back to the on position when I release it.

It's not super important but I would find it nice if I could set it up that way just for shut down/parking and manual startup procedures.

I can't really think of a better use of this particular button on the saitek throttle seeing as you have to pull it past mixture 0% to push the button making engines cut-off anyhow.

My problem is the following, using parameter I have been able to get it to work the way I like, on push the selector goes to off and on release it goes to on again (baron 58)

I just am not able to get it to do it for all valves, regardless of the number of engines.

I don't mind the limitations of 3 levers, unless special circumstances demand controlling 2 engines with 1 throttle, 1 prop and 1 mix is fine, i'll get more levers when I have recovered from buying the bundlepack containing the yoke, throttle and pedals lol.

Anyone know if it's possible to get it to just do the off/on part on all valves?

fuel selector set 1 and 0 only works for engine 1, I could not find any variable that would change all valves regardless of the number of engines myself, I've read many a site and this forum looking for how before deciding on this post.

If it's not possible, any other good idea for this particular button, the fact you need to go past mix 0% kind of limits what you can use it for.

Thanks for any suggestions


fsuipc 4.28

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My problem is the following, using parameter I have been able to get it to work the way I like, on push the selector goes to off and on release it goes to on again (baron 58)...Anyone know if it's possible to get it to just do the off/on part on all valves?

Sorry, I've really no idea unless you tell me the name of the control you are using. For Mixture setting there is a generic one for all engines as well as individual ones for each of up to 4 engines. The mixture operates the starter idle/cutoff levers on jets. For props the mixture is either a true fuel enrichment/cutoff lever or a condition setter.

fuel selector set 1 and 0 only works for engine 1

Fuel selectors are for switching where the fuel comes from, not specifically for curtting off the supply -- that's always done with the mixture control. And you surely want a separate switch for fuel selection so that you can balance the tanks.

I could not find any variable that would change all valves regardless of the number of engines myself, I've read many a site and this forum looking for how before deciding on this post.

There's no "switch all fuel selectors together" control (it wouldn't make sense, really, because you'd often need selector 1 set to tank 1, 2 to 2 etc), but in FSUIPC you can assign as many controls to the same button as you like. Best to program the first as usual, in the dialogue, then edit the INI file to add the others. They'll operate in the order you place them. The control numbers are listed in the "List of FSX controls" installed in your FSX Modules folder, and the format, if not obvious, is described in the Advanced Users guide.

Note that once you have multiple or conditional assignments programmed in the INI you cannot again edit that button in the Options dialogue. (This is to avoid confusion and making a mess! ;-) ).



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Hello, thanks for the reply so far.

I'm not at my own pc at the moment anymore, ill check back later today when I'm back home where I can test and try and make sure I name the correct values.

Of the top of my head this is wat is working except it only does engine 1's valve:

Fuel selector set using variables 0 en 1 on release of the button to get it to the on position again.

I have tried fuel selector all in the same way, thinking all meant, well, all, regardless of the number of valves but this one didn't do anything for me set up with 0 on push in and 1 on release.

I don't agree on the no sense at all though.

Even if fsx doesn't know it, good luck starting your baron 58 the next day if you only set mixture to cut off but forgot to put all valves to off, it won't (drowns).

And again if you properly do that on shutdown you need to properly set them all to on before startup and before increasing mixture. Crossfeed requirements can be handled (baron anyway) using the throttle assembly window with the mouse if the need arrises, same goes for cutting fuel with engine failures. All this does not make serious start up and shutdown procedures any less annoying with the fuel selectors not visible in VC only in throttle window. With the baron in fsx I need to shut or open all far more often then I need to crossfeed or shut one down seperately.

Is it possible an all feature will be made in the future for fsuipc? FSX has one but it has 2 downsides. I don't like having my control setup go through the less advanced and more glitchy fsx system and 2 it only has a toggle method for it and no release method, which means you'll constantly be out of sync starting new flights and such depending on the lever position on the hrdware and what fsx thinks the valve setting should be.

eg. having everything right, full mix fuel but engine won't start, fuel shutoff button is released, but since it's a toggle it's desynced, you need to "shut it off" and on again to actually have fuel flow at full mix.

Basicly this function in fsuipc with the release action option fsuipc provides is what I'm looking for.

I'll check back when I'm at my own pc with fx again.

ps a macro or string of commands would be fine to, like if I push the button it will set engine 1 off 2 off 3 off etc. and on release it will sequence eng 1 on eng 2 on etc. whatever get's me the effect.

I don't kow about jets, apart from the baron I only fly payware and study everything to do with real flying on the side, including taking my time mastering props and turboprops before going to jets.

I rarely, if ever need to rebalance fuel tanks or shut one off in the baron. But I need to shut all on or off everytime I land and park or startup and taxi to takeoff. So I can't really agree on the no sense to it.

The problem is basicly having 1 handle each for throttle, mix and prop but having 2 engines or more engines, before I get myself x amount of throttle blocks for the saitek so I can control everything as it should be Im trying to kind of make the controls a bit more streamlined and broader, (can always use the moose to do seperate controls if needed).

I can get it to behave exactly like I want provided I had a lever for both mix controls ;) simple problem really, probably less easy to solve lol :)

Anyway again thanks for the reply and i'll check back and more thoroughly when I'm at home again.

Cheers, Luggage :)

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Of the top of my head this is wat is working except it only does engine 1's valve

FS provides separate fuel selectors for each engine, so it makes sense.

I have tried fuel selector all in the same way, thinking all meant, well, all, regardless of the number of valves but

"Fuel selector all" simply means setting the fuel selector, for the specific engine, to use fuel from all tanks. The fuel selector in FS switches tanks, not engines.

I don't agree on the no sense at all though.

Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about here

With the baron in fsx I need to shut or open all far more often then I need to crossfeed or shut one down seperately.

Fine, but I think in FS you have to switch each fuel selector to off with separate controls. There doesn't appear to be one which operates them all simultaneously. It doesn't matter so much -- if you always want to operate them together on one button, do as I suggested.

Is it possible an all feature will be made in the future for fsuipc?

Why, when it can be done as it is for the few who might need it?

FSX has one

Has it? What is its name?

It was the FSX list I referred to when you asked, and I didn't see it.



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Sorry for the late reply, My internet connection is on the fritz, the isp is 1 of 3 companies in the middle of fusing, sigh.

Well sorry for the disagreements, but having a real pilot's guide lying here for the baron that specifically states you'll drown it if you only use fuel cut-off after shutdown and securing the aircraft, No offense, but I kind of trust the manufacturers own user manual :)

Well it's a problem of luxury I guess. No biggie just annoying.

Of the top of my head this is wat is working except it only does engine 1's valve

FS provides separate fuel selectors for each engine, so it makes sense.

:) you're reply to my text does not however, it's about all engines, I know the behaviour makes sense, it's just not what I want. Which was what I was explaining. The functionality was correct, it just isn't on enough valves :p

I don't agree on the no sense at all though.

Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about here

Sorry, I don't know what you are missing here, you said having a button for all fuel valves does not make sense, I disagreed on that and explained why I find it does make sense (at least for me in the baron).

FSX has one

Has it? What is its name?

One moment, looking, yes it has because I used to do it that way, but it can't bind release to it so I had the syncronization problems, wondering why the engine wouldn't start and then remembering, right it's a toggle not a release switch.


The event is called "Engine fuel valves (all open/close)" under button/keys.

The problem I had with the Engine fuel valves (all open/close) event is that I wasn't able to bind button release to it and I want my controls to go through fsuipc.

Regards, Luggage

EDIT, forgot to mention.

Will do the editting in the ini, I guess this question has been answered, I just missed it browsing the post when I wasn't on my home pc. I wasn't aware you could have 1 button do x things at once in fsuipc (only recently started with fsuipc but I figured most out so far), thanks for the replies, if I run into a snag I'll post another reply, if not my personal wishes were granted :)

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Well sorry for the disagreements, but having a real pilot's guide lying here for the baron that specifically states you'll drown it if you only use fuel cut-off after shutdown and securing the aircraft, No offense, but I kind of trust the manufacturers own user manual :)

What disagreements? I've never disagreed with anything you've said. You must be reading something else. I know nothing at all about any Baron aircraft, I only know what FS does and that's all I've ever talked about.

The event is called "Engine fuel valves (all open/close)" under button/keys.

But what FS control is that? Enable Event logging in FSUIPC and operate that control. The log will give its name.


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