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Hello All.

I have just purchased FSFlying School. When I tried to download the FSUIPC4 a sign came up and said:" Your FSX installation is incorrect. The version of SimConnect installed will not load FSUIPC4. You may need to repair the FSX installation to rectify this first ""

When I initially loaded FSFlying School I got this message so I uninstalled everything then reinstalled later and still got this message.

Any help would be very much appreciated.



When I tried to download the FSUIPC4 a sign came up and said:" Your FSX installation is incorrect. The version of SimConnect installed will not load FSUIPC4. You may need to repair the FSX installation to rectify this first ""

That isn't possible during download! I assume you mean when you ran the Installer? What exactly did you download?

Didn't you notice that a complete log of what the Installer is doing was also produced and displayed? It will give more details. You should find it in the FSX Modules folder too.

When I initially loaded FSFlying School I got this message so I uninstalled everything then reinstalled later and still got this message.

I don't know "FSFlying School", but if it is producing this message you need to contact them. If you mean FSUIPC4's installer came up with this message, then see above.

You said you "uninstalled everything". Does that include FSX? Did you remember to un- and re- install the SP1 and SP2 or acceleration updates too?

In general the message means that your FSX installation is in a bad way, that the SimConnect modules in Windows' Side-by-Side library are not properly installed and accessible. The Install log would confirm this, or otherwise. There is an Announcement above ("FSX Help" which does explain how to repair that (but it is very difficult if you are using Vista), but check the log first.


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