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FSUIPC and MCP interfacing with FSX

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Hi Peter,

I've been struggeling to get an answer to a rather strange problem with the new MCPPro product from CPflight.

Hooking it up to an FSX server, using Project Magenta results in everything working as it should be, except the heading select.

Heading is changing on the module, but not in FSX

All the other functions, such as altitude, speed etc are working fine and even the heading bug is changing when I turn the heading selector.

We're using the standard FSX 737-800 panel

In some of the forums, people talk about the FS_COM file, but that is only for the USB version and not for the new PRO version of the MCP

Could this have anything to do with a setting of FSUIPC (since FSUIPC takes care of the interfacing to FSX)

Until now CPFlight and Enrico from PM have not been able to solve the problem

We have installed your version checker software, so we should be running current versions of the software.

Kind regards,

Benno Gros

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I've been struggeling to get an answer to a rather strange problem with the new MCPPro product from CPflight.

Hooking it up to an FSX server, using Project Magenta results in everything working as it should be, except the heading select.

Heading is changing on the module, but not in FSX

If you are using Project Magenta you don't want or need the FSX MCP -- check the heading on the PM MCP or its PFD/ND displays, not in FSX. You shouldn't have PM's autopilot (MCP) and FSX's autopilot running together, but if you do you an FSX panel with an MCP, disreard it and only view PM's version.

All the other functions, such as altitude, speed etc are working fine and even the heading bug is changing when I turn the heading selector.

We're using the standard FSX 737-800 panel

I thought you said you were using PM? This is rather confused. And if the FSX heading bug is changing, that, in FS, is exactly the same as its MCP heading display -- there's only one variable setting both.

In some of the forums, people talk about the FS_COM file, but that is only for the USB version and not for the new PRO version of the MCP

Sorry, I don't understand that part.

Could this have anything to do with a setting of FSUIPC (since FSUIPC takes care of the interfacing to FSX)

A setting? A setting to do what, exactly?

I think you need to explain in more detail, because I don't understand why you are bothering with an FSX panel if you are using Project Magenta. Are you simply getting confused between two separate autopilots?

Until now CPFlight and Enrico from PM have not been able to solve the problem

If they think there's a problem, maybe they can explain what it is a bit clearer?

We have installed your version checker software, so we should be running current versions of the software.

I have no such checker. Sorry, you are a little confused here. The list of correct versions for MY software is supplied in the Announcement for this purpose at the top of this Forum. you can easily find version numbers for my software, in logs, in documentation, on screen, or simply by right-clicking them and selecting Properties-Version.

If you come back here please quote the versions number, but I suspect you should be asking your PM questions over in the PM forums.



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Yes maybe it is a bit confusing, but this is exactly why we don't understand why it's not working as it should...



Vista 64 bits

Project Magenta (glass cockpit)

CPFlight MCPPro 737


Can fly with this configuration, but only the heading select doesn't work

Only heading bug works and turns on the PFD , but heading itself isn't changing, the aircraft stays on one heading

Can only change heading when using the old FSX panel, but this should not be the way to do it anymore

Tested sofar:

Hardware works fine, has been tested with CPFlight test software

Using latest version of Magenta, so MCPPro is supported



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Only heading bug works and turns on the PFD , but heading itself isn't changing, the aircraft stays on one heading

The heading bug on the PM PFD, you mean? I think that simply matches the one on the PM MCP, the internal PM value.

I assume you are in Heading Lock or Heading Sel mode, not LNAV? If the LNAV button is pressed, or PM thinks you are in LNAV, the heading on its MCP will not necessaily be the one written to FS. PM only writes the heading to FS is it actually is using it to control the heading.

Assuming you aren't merely confused over these functions (please do double check the PFD annunciators to be sure), you still haven't stated the version of FSUIPC4, but if you aren't using 4.30 change to that first. Earlier versions are not supported.

Then go to the FSUIPC4 logging page, and on the right-hand side enter these values to Monitor the FSX A/Ps heading:

Offset 07CC, type UA16 (from the drop-down).

In the checkboxes below, check "Normal Log" (you can also check "FS window" if you'd like to see it changing, or not, on screen).

This will monitor changes sent to FSX for its A/Ps Heading value, which controls both its heading bug AND MCP heading display.

It still sounds like confusion over what does what, but even if it isn't it is a matter for PM and/or CPFlight to resolve. There are a lot of CPFlight PM users -- just ask around in the PM Forums, and I've never seen anyone with a similar problem.


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Log is now visible in FSX main screen

When you turn the HDG SEL nothing will change to that logged number.

The buf in Magenta is moving, but aircraft is not following it

That means PM is not writing it to FS. So it probably thinks it isn't in Heading Sel mode at all -- exactly as when LNAV is selected.

I think you need to check all the things i mentioned. And sort it out with PM. It doesn't sound like anything to do with the CPFlight hardware, more likely incorrect modes in PM. You could test PM without the CPFlight hardware, just bring the PM MCP graphic on screen and test with that.

And check those Annunciators! They tell you what is going on!


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This might sound silly, but we've got it working!!!

It turned out to be something very simple (as always)...

In the main MCP application there is a general setting menu (activated by pressing esc. while the application is running)

Some of the settings in that menu where wrong, one of them was the setting for the panel to use.

It was default set to 747, but we're using a 737 MCP....

Dooooohhhh..... :D

Thanks for making us check a few things that resulted in us looking and checking some other things as well



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