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A\C joystick setups question

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Hello there!

I have recently bought Saitek Yoke and pedals, and I'm setting things differently for aircraft type with FSUIPC...

How can I make fsuipc assign a given configuration for a given aircraft type, and not for a single variation\repaint? sometimes setting each one manually editing FSUIPC.cfg may get very long (some models with more than 10 variants\repaints)... can I also save in some way a given configuration and load it up to another aircraft? (e.g. configurations for 1,2,3,4 engines, turboprop\jet\piston, helo, etcI make one and later load it up for another aircraft)

Thanks for the help,

Mario Noriega


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How can I make fsuipc assign a given configuration for a given aircraft type, and not for a single variation\repaint?

Do it for one and then edit the FSUIPC INI file. Please refer to the Appendix on this subject in the recent editions of the Advanced User's Guide. There's an easy guide there thanks to Peter Hayes.



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OK, will spend the spare time on the other PC for FSUIPC.ini buildingwas hoping for an easier way

Easier than changing two lines in the INI? How much easier could it be? One parameter change and one section title change!

It sounds like you haven't actually referred to the documentation on this at all!



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