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First of all congrats on the new release.

I've just downloaded and installed it (FS2002), but not yet registered!

One of the first things to check was how it supported SquawkBox! Can anyone confirm the un-registered version doesn't support online flying with SB?

I was able to connect with vatsim, but somehow my location is not reported correctly!! I am currently parked at KORD, but a simple check with ServInfo shows me online west of africa!!

Any documentation I can reffer to regarding this issue?

Thanks in advanced...


Yes, correct...

Tested with FS2004 (press version) about an hour after the release and there were already three planes at that position 00N 000E..



  shadi said:
I've just downloaded and installed it (FS2002), but not yet registered!

One of the first things to check was how it supported SquawkBox! Can anyone confirm the un-registered version doesn't support online flying with SB?

With an unregistered installation of FSUIPC, no un-acredited programs will get anything but zero data from FSUIPC. You can look in the FSUIPC LOG and see that the program was not accepted.

Programs need an access key to enable their interface ot FSUIPC to work, UNLESS that copy of FSUIPC is registered. This is described several times in my announcemetns, I'm surprised you missed it all. It's also described in the FSUIPC User Guide, near the beginning.

I have responded to all requests for access keys that I have so far received. For freeware program they are free, and as Squawkbox is a freeware program I would provide it with a free key. However, the author or some organisation responsible for its supply realy needs to get in touch to supply the details I need to make the access keys. I cannot conjure them out of thin air I'm afraid.



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